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发布时间:2018-08-19 13:14
[Abstract]:The rise of square dance is not an accidental phenomenon. It is formed with the new development of square cultural activities under the background of people's main body and rising consciousness of participation. Square dance is the same form, but the city is different; square dance has the same advantages and disadvantages, but the advantages and disadvantages are different in each city. First of all, through the study of square dance, the characteristics of square dance are obtained. It is easy, physical, psychological, and entertaining for the public. Because of its advantages, it can be introduced and worthy of our development. Dalian, as an important economic, trade, port, industrial and tourist city along the eastern coast, has a splendid and strong sports culture. It understands square dancing. Inclusive, but also not understand, reject the voice. This paper makes a thorough investigation and analysis of the present situation of square dance in Dalian by using various methods, including field investigation, literature review, case analysis, questionnaire investigation, interviews and mathematical statistics. Through research and analysis, the author found that the participants in the square dance in Dalian show four characteristics: first, the gender difference is relatively large, women are the main group of square dancing; second, the age span is large, the participants are mainly middle-aged and elderly people, Young people only account for a very small number; third, the time is relatively concentrated and reasonable. The activity time of the people who take part in the square dance exercises is generally concentrated in the evening, whether the intensity of exercise or the intensity of exercise is often more reasonable. Fourth, the changes that have taken place among the participants are relatively large. This is mainly reflected in their physical, psychological and social adaptability and so on. In the course of this research, we analyze the problems of Dalian square dance from the angle of organization and management through investigation, which are mainly reflected in the confusion of organization and management in the construction of Dalian square dance team, the shortage of venue and facilities, and the improvement of the construction of the city square dance. Lack of social sports professional technical instructor; the level of scientific exercise is not high; noise disturbance and lack of funds; can not meet the demands of Dalian City Square Dance participants. Combined with the research and analysis of the development of Dalian Square Dance, based on the above problems, the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are put forward. The conclusions are as follows: the street, the community go deep into the grass-roots integration team, Double innovation in service and management; increase financial support and help, seek advertising cooperation; use the advantages of streets and communities, actively tap the active space; continue training of social sports professional technical instructors; install active directional loudspeakers, Dalian square dance noise is no longer disturbing people; stimulate domestic demand, explore the development of Dalian square dance tournaments. And hope that these suggestions can be adopted by the relevant departments of Dalian, so that the square dance is better suited to the development of this city.


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