[Abstract]:Since ancient times, animals have been an indispensable partner of human beings. In all kinds of art forms of human beings, there is an expression of animal images. Dance, as an ancient art, has a long history of performance on animal images. It goes along the way from primitive fishing and hunting, slash-and-burn cultivation, and extremely low material civilization to today's highly developed science and technology civilization. In many areas, on the cliff and stone walls, there are animal images and dance images that were painted at that time. It provides information for us to study the animal imitation of primitive dance. Even with the development of modern society and economy, there are still primitive cultural relics of animal imitation in some folk dances of ethnic minorities; there are various props dance to imitate animals. At the same time, professional dancers, on the basis of folk dance, depict the appearance and form of animals and create new stage programs with profound thoughts and feelings, so that the animals in the dance can be imitated and simulated from a simple appearance. Rise to a new dance peak.
【作者单位】: 河北大学艺术学院 河北省廊坊市第二中学
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