[Abstract]:On July 7, 2008, the Chinese classical dance department specially invited Mr. Liu Junxiang, a researcher of the Chinese Academy of Art, to give a special lecture for the teachers and students of the Chinese classical dance department. After the lecture, the author read teacher Liu's monograph "Oriental Human Culture" and "Nine veins to cultivate body", and the article "on the status of classical dance in Chinese Yuan culture and Chinese learning", and talked about the gains and losses of martial arts and dance, which benefited a lot. Prior to this, Professor Li Zhengyi had just led the "Group of Special Topics in Classical Dance and Wushu" (including the author) to study Wushu in Wudang Mountain, Hubei Province. As a result, we have learned about the relationship between Wushu and Chinese classical dance. From theory to practice, there has been a deep exchange and dialogue. This paper summarizes some views of teachers Liu Junxiang and Li Zhengyi, and gives a new explanation of this gathering style and lecture.
【作者单位】: 北京舞蹈学院;
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1 赵苏U,