[Abstract]:In this paper, as the first creation of the Shuqiao dance drama, the revolutionary "subversion" of the classical dance form and even the creative idea, the unimaginable expression of the choreographer is accomplished by the adjustment of the structure. From belittling "Dancing" to mentioning "Dancing" again, "Picture" is a kind of dance play with "dance program". The universal weakness of human nature lies in being bewildered by the phenomenal world and supporting the core idea of "comfortable Dancing Tower". The dance choreography of "structuring emotion is structuring plot", "Red Snow" carefully creates the balance schema of composition of dance play, "helpless fate" creates "the tranquility of life", and avoids the self-image of the public. "my parents and I have all been surging for faith." the two "three-level dances" at the end of "Yuqing Sister-in-law" should be subjected to a panoramic analysis of the artistic creation of comfortable large-scale contemporary dance dramas from 14 aspects, such as realistic people, etc. Among them, the significance of the creation of Shu Qiao Dance Drama to the creative development of Chinese contemporary dance drama has become the focus of this article. The creative experience of dance drama "running to the Moon" actually has a more positive effect on the creation of Chinese dance drama in the new period than the dance drama "running to the Moon" itself. The exploration of dance "running to the Moon" mainly involves two aspects: the structure of dance drama and the use of dance vocabulary. In fact, it is only a problem, that is, how to use this particular form of dance drama to depict people more deeply. To show people. "run to the Moon" does not belong to the "modern dance", but does not follow the rules of classical dance. Instead, it uses the "deconstruction" concept of modern art under the banner of "reflecting life truly" and "revealing the heart of the characters." It is a revolutionary "subversion" to the form of classical dance and its deeper creative idea. The theoretical proposition of comfortable self-setting is "structure rises to language", and its original intention is "language meaning" of "structure". From the point of view of dance artistic creation, the structural meaning of language and the rise of structure to language as a creative method and even a change of ideas, The goal is to write about people-people who understand them-to understand people's inner worlds-or simply to write about their inner worlds. When it comes to Shu Qiao's dance drama and Shu Qiao's understanding of dance drama creation, it is necessary to understand an important premise-that is, the historical dance should conform to the realistic person, the character of the dance play and the artistic personality of the contemporary dancer. This is also our sense of comfort when the creation of the largest dance drama the most simple understanding.
【作者单位】: 中华人民共和国文化部;
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