[Abstract]:Through the analysis of three "present situations" and the elaboration of a "suggestion", this paper puts forward some personal views on the folk dance education in colleges and universities in contemporary China, especially on the reform of classroom education. The article points out that how to protect the existing folk dance of our country and how to inherit and develop it is an important subject in the dance circle of our country, when the modern culture is intermingling with each other. From the point of view of protecting folk dance culture in colleges and universities, this paper analyzes the equivalent universities including Shanxi University, Taiyuan Teachers College, Shanxi Vocational College of Art, Weihai College of Art of Shandong University. The present situation of folk dance education in Yantai University and Shenyang normal University as an example, through a period of in-depth investigation and study of various means, points out that the curriculum of folk dance education in colleges and universities is unreasonable and so on. At present, the construction of dance courses in colleges and universities should focus on the inheritance and development of folk dance culture, especially to grasp its own advantages, and take the collection and arrangement of local folk dance culture in colleges and universities as the top priority. As some cultures are about to or have been replaced by no one and are dying out, the significance of collecting and sorting out this kind of folk dance culture is no less significant than that of rescuing the culture, as a carrier to carry the research and preserve the culture. Dance workers in colleges and universities should take responsibility for the folk dance culture in this area, conscientiously organize and study it in depth, keep the folk dance culture in our country, and at the same time, let the folk dance collected and sorted into the classroom as soon as possible. To organize excellent cultural echelons to compile teaching materials and make contributions to the improvement of Chinese folk dance culture teaching materials. Only in this way can we achieve the ultimate goal of continuing the national spirit and promoting the development of national culture, and at the same time leave the most precious and splendid folk dance cultural heritage to the posterity.
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