[Abstract]:I have always believed that the development of Chinese contemporary dance art, in terms of compilation, can be roughly divided into three generations. The first generation was represented by Wu Xiaobang, Dai Ailian, Jia Zuoguang. The second generation, to Shu Qiao, Men Wenyuan, Li Chengxiang, Ma Yue and so on as the representative, this is the strength and a large number of people; The third generation of directors, outstanding among them are Zhang Jigang, Chen Wei, Ding Wei, Zhao Ming, Wang Mei, and other names. These are some people who grew up after the "Cultural Revolution" and supported the stage of contemporary dance art creation. From an age point of view, They have been or are leaving the middle-aged stage. Of course, after them, there has been a new creative atmosphere, a group of 20-year-old young people have unpolitely initiated artistic challenges to all previous generations, such as Zhang Yunfeng, Zhang Yuanchun and so on. They may be called the "new generation"?
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5 张U,