本文关键词: 期待视野 少年文学 翻译中的口语化表达 翻译中的修辞手法 出处:《南京大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:本论文是笔者在翻译了英国作家史蒂文森的短篇小说《快乐男人》后所撰写的翻译评注。小说共五章,本论文仅选取第一章和第三章作为源语/译语对照语篇,在翻译实践的基础上,探讨尧斯的“期待视野”概念对于少年文学翻译实践的指导意义。 本论文首先介绍了“期待视野”概念以及目前这一概念的研究状况,分析了少年文学目标读者的审美需求,并在此基础上提出少年文学翻译的两个策略:简易性和趣味性。在论文中,通过列举“词汇口语化”和“句式口语化”的译文修改案例突出简易性的效果;通过分析译文中“叠音词”、“借代”和“比喻”等修辞手法的效果展现趣味性的功能。本论文认为,以“期待视野”概念指导少年文学翻译实践,口语化表达和修辞手法的应用是两种可行的翻译策略。
[Abstract]:This thesis is a translation commentary written by the author after translating British writer Stevenson's short story Happy Man. The novel consists of five chapters, and only chapters I and III are selected as source / target language contrastive texts. On the basis of translation practice, this paper probes into the guiding significance of Joss's concept of "horizon of expectation" to the practice of juvenile literary translation. This paper first introduces the concept of "expectation vision" and the current research situation of this concept, and analyzes the aesthetic needs of the target readers of juvenile literature. On the basis of this, two strategies of juvenile literature translation are put forward: simplicity and interest. In this paper, the effect of simplicity is highlighted by the examples of "lexical colloquial" and "colloquial sentence"; By analyzing the effects of rhetorical devices such as "duplicative words", "metonymy" and "metaphor" in the target text, the thesis holds that the concept of "horizon of expectation" is used to guide the translation practice of juvenile literature. Colloquial expression and the application of rhetorical devices are two feasible translation strategies.
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