本文选题:译者主体性 切入点:审美反映论 出处:《安徽大学》2006年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着翻译研究进入“文化转向”以来,译者主体性的研究已经日益深入。多元系统论、目的论以及解构理论等,分别从文化背景、翻译目的以及原文文本的“真正意义”等角度对译者主体性有所研究。但是,作为译者主体性的一个主要方面,译者自身的心理运作过程在翻译中(包括文学翻译)却鲜有提及。 分析文学翻译的特点,我们可以看到文学翻译与文学创作之间存在一个重要的共同点,即:虽然和原作者相比,译者所享有的创作自由度要小得多,但译者和作者都在进行着文学创作,因而审美反映论亦或可以被用来分析文学翻译过程。 作为文学创作的一个主要理论,审美反映论是马克思主义反映论在文学艺术中的延伸。审美反映论认为尽管审美反映的主体在创作过程中受客体客观因素制约,依然通过其审美情感(aesthetic sensibility)和审美心理结构(aesthetic structure)的折射对审美客体进行能动的反映,审美主体的审美情感和审美心理结构在具体的创作过程中表现为主体对客体的审美评价(aesthetic comment)。也就是说,作者在创作中再现客体也表现自己对客体的审美评价。在文学创作中,作品中的艺术真实(artistic reality)构成了反映客体的实体属性(substance attribute),,而作者的审美评价构成了客体对于作者的审美属性(aesthetic attribute)。我们可以看到审美反映论强调作者的心理过程。既然在作者心理过程中会体现出主体性,我们就可以在审美反映论理论框架下研究作者主体性。对作者心理过程进行进一步分析,我们可以看到作者的主体性包括两个主要特征,即能动性和创造性。 前文指出,审美反映论抑或可以被用来分析文学翻译过程,同时审美反映论又可以用来分析作者主体性,因而其亦或可以用来分析文学翻译中译者主体性。从审美反映论的角度分析文学翻译,我们可以看到,原作的实体属性包括原作所表达的艺术真实以及原作者对艺术真实的审美评价(这些审美评价一旦被作者在原文中表达出来即成为原作实体属性的一部分)均会被译者在译作中再现出来。同时,译者的这种再现不是机械的、透明的再现。作为有思想有意识的审美主体,
[Abstract]:With the development of translation studies, the study of translator's subjectivity has become more and more profound.The theories of multi-system, Skopos and deconstruction respectively study the translator's subjectivity from the perspectives of cultural background, translation purpose and the "true meaning" of the original text.However, as one of the main aspects of the translator's subjectivity, the translator's own psychological process is seldom mentioned in translation (including literary translation).By analyzing the characteristics of literary translation, we can see that there is an important common denominator between literary translation and literary creation, that is, the translator enjoys much less freedom of creation than the original author.However, both translators and authors are engaged in literary creation, so aesthetic reflection theory may also be used to analyze the process of literary translation.As a main theory of literary creation, aesthetic reflection theory is the extension of Marxist theory of reflection in literature and art.The theory of aesthetic reflection holds that, although the subject of aesthetic reflection is restricted by objective factors in the process of creation, it still reflects the aesthetic object through the refraction of its aesthetic emotion and aesthetic psychological structure.The aesthetic emotion and the aesthetic psychological structure of the aesthetic subject are expressed as aesthetic evaluation of the object in the concrete creation process.In other words, the author reproduces the object in his creation and expresses his aesthetic evaluation of the object.In literary creation, the artistic reality in the works constitutes the substance attribute which reflects the object, and the aesthetic evaluation of the author constitutes the aesthetic attribute of the object to the author.We can see that the aesthetic reflection theory emphasizes the author's psychological process.Since subjectivity is embodied in the author's psychological process, we can study the author's subjectivity under the framework of aesthetic reflection theory.Through further analysis of the author's psychological process, we can see that the author's subjectivity includes two main characteristics, namely, initiative and creativity.It is pointed out that aesthetic reflection theory can be used to analyze the process of literary translation, and aesthetic reflection theory can also be used to analyze the subjectivity of the author, so it can also be used to analyze the subjectivity of the translator in literary translation.Analyzing literary translation from the perspective of aesthetic reflection theory, we can see that,The substantive attributes of the original work include the artistic reality expressed in the original work and the aesthetic evaluation of the artistic truth by the original author (which, once expressed in the original text, becomes part of the entity attribute of the original work).The translator reproduces it in the translation.At the same time, the translator's reproduction is not mechanical, transparent reproduction.As a conscious aesthetic subject,
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