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发布时间:2018-04-20 19:55

  本文选题:儿童幻想小说 + 《小妖精的秘密》 ; 参考:《扬州大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:此篇翻译材料节选自美国作家威廉·约瑟夫·亚历山大(William Joseph Alexander)的小说《小妖精的秘密》(Goblin Secrets)第一幕,该小说在2012年美国国家图书奖中荣获青年文学奖,讲述了一个孤儿为寻找失散多年的哥哥而进入一座名叫“松贝”(Zombay)的魔幻都市,属于儿童幻想小说,是儿童文学的一个分支。学术界至今对儿童文学的定义众口不一,但从其质量、受众、内容和形式上来说,儿童文学是专门为儿童创作、适合儿童阅读并对儿童读者产生影响的各类高质量文学作品(包括散文、诗歌、小说、非小说的散文文学等)的总称,这里的儿童是指从出生到青春期的所有婴幼儿和青少年。笔者在阅读该小说后,重点研究翻译材料及相关理论,并最终以接受理论为指导,对文本进行翻译及校正,总结出在此翻译实践中所运用的相关翻译方法。 此篇翻译实践报告共分为四个部分,分别为任务描述、译前准备、案例分析和报告总结。任务描述是对《小妖精的秘密》这本小说及其作者的简要介绍;译前准备主要从文本分析、平行文本的阅读及接受理论三个方面进行阐述;案例分析主要是在接受理论的指导下,从音韵、词汇、修辞和句法等方面,总结了相关的翻译方法;最后,报告总结主要是描述了笔者在此次翻译实践中总结的经验和感悟。
[Abstract]:The translation is excerpted from the first act of American writer William Joseph Joseph Alexander's novel "the Secret of the Poblin", which won the Young Literature Award at the 2012 National Book Award. In order to find the lost brother, an orphan enters a magic city called Zombaya, which belongs to children's fantasy novel and is a branch of children's literature. There are different definitions of children's literature in academic circles, but in terms of quality, audience, content and form, children's literature is specially created for children. A general term for all kinds of high-quality literary works (including prose, poetry, fiction, non-fiction prose, etc.) that are suitable for children to read and influence their readers. Children here refer to all infants and adolescents from birth to adolescence. After reading the novel, the author focuses on the translation materials and related theories, and finally, under the guidance of the reception theory, carries out the translation and correction of the text, and summarizes the relevant translation methods used in this translation practice. This translation practice report is divided into four parts: task description, pre-translation preparation, case analysis and report summary. The task description is a brief introduction to the novel and its author, including text analysis, parallel text reading and reception theory. Under the guidance of reception theory, the case study summarizes the relevant translation methods from the aspects of phonological, lexical, rhetorical and syntactic aspects. Finally, the report summarizes the experiences and insights of the author in the translation practice.


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