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发布时间:2018-05-05 22:14

  本文选题:自主性审美 + 心理距离 ; 参考:《西北师范大学》2006年硕士论文

【摘要】: “心理距离”是艺术创作与欣赏中一个非常重要的问题,它涉及的不仅是审美心理问题,而且是一个超越了客观反映论审美的自主性审美问题。心理距离不同于物理意义上的时间、空间距离,,是主体的一种特定的心理状态。距离太近或距离太远都不利于创作与欣赏的进行。距离太近,会使实用、功利的动机压倒美感;距离太远,又会因无法理解而很难建立起主客体之间沟通的桥梁。于是,便需要寻求一种适中的距离,来达到“不即不离”的理想效果。但是,对于这种适中的距离我们很难给出一个量化的结论,因为对其产生影响的因素是多种多样的,包括主体自身诸多的内在因素,如文化修养、兴趣爱好、性格等等,以及外在因素,如地点、环境、气氛等等。当然,也需要充分考虑到艺术作品因形式不同所提供的不同的距离条件这一因素。因此,要获得适中的距离是艺术家和欣赏者共同的任务,也是二者充分调动主观能动性进行“自我调节”的结果。 根据人们认识事物的规律,在创作、欣赏过程中,主体的心理距离不可能始终保持不变,会随着对作品的理解不断变化。主客体之间存在着一种微妙的关系,主体时而“化身其中”,时而“分析玩味”;时而充当“表演者”,时而又充当“旁观者”,两种不同的角色在创作、欣赏过程中不断地交替、重叠。因此,在探讨心理距离,特别是距离适中的问题时,“过程”这一因素必不可少,只有在艺术家和欣赏者“入乎其内”与“出乎其外”的有机结合下,在充分考虑到“过程”的重要性的前提下,距离适中的意义才能得以全面、完整的体现。
[Abstract]:"Psychological distance" is a very important issue in artistic creation and appreciation. It involves not only the aesthetic psychology, but also the independent aesthetic problem which transcends the objective reflection theory. The psychological distance is different from the time and space distance in the physical sense, and it is a special mental state of the subject. Too close or too far away is not conducive to creation and appreciation. Being too close will make practical and utilitarian motives overwhelm the sense of beauty; distance too far will make it difficult to build a bridge between subject and object for lack of understanding. Therefore, we need to seek a moderate distance to achieve the ideal effect. However, it is difficult to give a quantitative conclusion about this moderate distance, because the factors affecting it are various, including many internal factors of the subject itself, such as cultural accomplishment, interest, personality, etc. And external factors, such as location, environment, atmosphere and so on. Of course, it is also necessary to take into account the different distance conditions provided by different forms of art works. Therefore, to obtain moderate distance is the common task of artists and appreciators, and also the result of "self-regulation" by both of them. According to the law of people's understanding of things, in the process of creation and appreciation, the psychological distance of the subject can not always remain unchanged, and will change with the understanding of the works. There is a subtle relationship between the subject and the object. The subject sometimes "incarnates in it", sometimes "analyzes the taste", sometimes acts as the "performer", sometimes acts as the "bystander", two different characters are creating, The process of appreciation is constantly alternating and overlapping. Therefore, when discussing the question of psychological distance, especially when the distance is moderate, the factor of "process" is essential, only when the artist and the appreciator "enter into it" and "go outside". Only when the importance of "process" is fully considered, can the meaning of moderate distance be fully reflected.


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