comparative literature and literary theory 的翻译结果
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comparative literature and literary theory
Douwe Fokkema's Major Contributions to Comparative Literature and Literary Theory
AbstractThrough a historical review of literary studies in the 20th century, and of the developmentof comparative literature in particular , this paper proposes the possibility of establishing a literaryanthropology in the wide context of a cultural dialogue , in order to define the medium and longterm aime of comparative literature and literary theory in the future.
As a new subject formed by the cross influence of comparative literature and literary theory, its object is the literary theory of different national traditions and cultural systems.
作为比较文学和文学理论交叉影响而形成的一个新学科 ,其研究对象是不同民族传统和不同文化体系之中的文学理论。
As one of the founding fathers of comparative literature in China of the New Era, he paid much time and energy to comparative literature studies, and put forward many cogent opinions as regards the construction and development of this discipline, which are still significant guidance to current comparative literature and literary theory studies.
As the first article exclusively dealing with Douwe Fokkema in the Chinese context,it discusses in a comprehensive way Fokkema's major contribu- tions to comparative literature and literary theory:(1) As the first comparatist recasting and bringing cultural relativism in comparative literature studies,he helped to make the shift of attention of international comparative literature stud- ies to the East;
traitor literature and literary theory;
Douwe Fokkema's Major Contributions to Comparative Literature and Literary Theory
The Inter-contextual Theory and Comparative Literature
Literary Theory in the Era of Pan-literature
Literary Theory and Cultural Studies:New Tendencies of Comparative Literature in America
查询“comparative literature and literary theory”译词为用户自定义的双语例句
AbstractThrough a historical review of literary studies in the 20th century, and of the developmentof comparative literature in particular , this paper proposes the possibility of establishing a literaryanthropology in the wide context of a cultural dialogue , in order to define the medium and longterm aime of comparative literature and literary theory in the future. As far as the influence ofcultural anthropology on literary creation and literary studies is concerned , comparative literatureis...
AbstractThrough a historical review of literary studies in the 20th century, and of the developmentof comparative literature in particular , this paper proposes the possibility of establishing a literaryanthropology in the wide context of a cultural dialogue , in order to define the medium and longterm aime of comparative literature and literary theory in the future. As far as the influence ofcultural anthropology on literary creation and literary studies is concerned , comparative literatureis becoming increasingly necessary and clearly defined as a the only road to a literary anthropologyand as an effective means of promoting cultural exchange and communication , of overcoming psy-chological barriers of national centrism and of forming an outlook of equal dialogue of cultural rel-ativism. With the development of the pluralistic dialogue in the postcolonial period , literary stud-ies have assumed a new mission of seeking the anthropological value of literature and art and ofpromoting the bridging and integration of human literary experiences.
Comparative poetics in its modern sense actually refers to the comparative study of different systems of poetics. As a new subject formed by the cross influence of comparative literature and literary theory, its object is the literary theory of different national traditions and cultural systems. Examined from the process of historical formation, comparative poetics is an inevitable development of poetics itself as well as a natural outcome of comparative literary studies....
Comparative poetics in its modern sense actually refers to the comparative study of different systems of poetics. As a new subject formed by the cross influence of comparative literature and literary theory, its object is the literary theory of different national traditions and cultural systems. Examined from the process of historical formation, comparative poetics is an inevitable development of poetics itself as well as a natural outcome of comparative literary studies. Comparative literature and comparative poetics rely on and refer to each other. They are both independent of and interact on each other.
从东西方不同文化区域的“诗学”涵义及其演变来看 ,现代意义上的“比较诗学”实质上是指对不同诗学体系和理论的比较研究。作为比较文学和文学理论交叉影响而形成的一个新学科 ,其研究对象是不同民族传统和不同文化体系之中的文学理论。从历史建构过程看 ,比较诗学既是诗学自身深入发展的要求 ,也是比较文学趋于深化所提出的必然结果。比较文学和比较诗学相互依重又相互参照 ,成为既相互独立又相互影响的统一体。
Professor Yang Zhouhan is a prominent professor of English literature, notably in the seventeenth century English literature and Shakespeare, and comparative literature in China. His great achievements are due to, in the first place, his particular understanding of and claim to foreign literature study, i.e., Chinese students of foreign literatures are supposed to have a Chinese soul. His works on English literature all reflect the underlying Chinese culture background in his mind. As one of the founding fathers...
Professor Yang Zhouhan is a prominent professor of English literature, notably in the seventeenth century English literature and Shakespeare, and comparative literature in China. His great achievements are due to, in the first place, his particular understanding of and claim to foreign literature study, i.e., Chinese students of foreign literatures are supposed to have a Chinese soul. His works on English literature all reflect the underlying Chinese culture background in his mind. As one of the founding fathers of comparative literature in China of the New Era, he paid much time and energy to comparative literature studies, and put forward many cogent opinions as regards the construction and development of this discipline, which are still significant guidance to current comparative literature and literary theory studies.
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