本文选题:概念隐喻 + 隐喻辞格 ; 参考:《广西师范大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:隐喻不仅仅是一种修辞手段,它更是一种认知方式。在《哈姆雷特》中,隐喻不仅是剧本的语言魅力,更是其典型的创作思维表现。本文主要从隐喻的角度来探讨《哈姆雷特》中的语言艺术。 到目前为止,国内少有学者从修辞与认知的角度着手研究《哈姆雷特》的隐喻翻译。在现有汉译本中,隐喻辞格的翻译也存在许多问题。基于以上研究现状,本文运用概念隐喻理论对《哈姆雷特》的隐喻辞格及其翻译进行分析与探讨。在从事莎学研究的学者对隐喻进行多角度、多层次、大范围的研究后,他们发现概念隐喻对人们的认知活动和社会活动产生着越来越重要的影响。而自从《哈姆雷特》被译成中文以来,莎学研究者对《哈姆雷特》进行了不同视角的汉译研究。在这些研究视角中,概念隐喻受到越来越多的青睐,同时也为《哈姆雷特》研究提供了新的视角。 本文选取莎士比亚四大悲剧之一的《哈姆雷特》这个剧本作为语料,作为莎士比亚的巅峰之作,《哈姆雷特》一直受到人们最多的关注和研究,而人们对它的研究多限于文学的角度,从认知和隐喻研究的则非常少。本文结合概念隐喻理论将其中的隐喻辞格进行分类,并总结其隐喻功能。 本文通过对田汉、梁实秋、朱生豪、卞之琳和方平五个译本的对比和分析,运用概念隐喻理论分析《哈姆雷特》隐喻辞格及其翻译,并总结出现有译本中译者对《哈姆雷特》隐喻辞格的主要处理方式及存在的问题。 在此基础上,运用概念隐喻理论分析了《哈姆雷特》中隐喻的翻译过程,这个翻译过程就是译者在英汉两种不同语言和文化之间构建和重新构建概念隐喻的心智处理过程,从而在该理论视角下提出映射对等翻译、偏移等效翻译和隐喻省略翻译三大翻译策略,以及怎样在该理论视角下运用这三大翻译策略指导《哈姆雷特》中隐喻辞格的翻译。
[Abstract]:Metaphor is not only a rhetorical device, but also a cognitive way. In Hamlet, metaphor is not only the language charm of the script, but also its typical creative thinking. This paper mainly discusses the art of language in Hamlet from the perspective of metaphor. Up to now, few scholars have studied the metaphor translation of Hamlet from the perspective of rhetoric and cognition. There are also many problems in the translation of metaphorical figures. Based on the above research situation, this paper analyzes and discusses the metaphorical case of Hamlet and its translation by using the theory of conceptual metaphor. After a wide range of researches on metaphor from different angles, levels and fields, the scholars who study on Sahathology find that conceptual metaphor has more and more important influence on people's cognitive activities and social activities. Since Hamlet was translated into Chinese, scholars have conducted translation of Hamlet from different perspectives. Among these perspectives, conceptual metaphor is more and more popular, and it also provides a new perspective for Hamlet research. In this paper, Hamlet, one of the four tragedies of Shakespeare, is chosen as the corpus, and as the peak of Shakespeare, Hamlet has received the most attention and research. However, most of the studies on it are limited to literature, but very few are from cognitive and metaphorical perspectives. This paper classifies metaphorical figures and summarizes their metaphorical functions. Based on the comparison and analysis of the five versions of Tian Han, Liang Shiqiu, Zhu Shenghao, Bian Zhilin and Fang Ping, this paper applies the Conceptual metaphor Theory to analyze the metaphorical figures of < Hamlet] and their translation. It also summarizes the main ways and problems of the translator to deal with the metaphorical figures of Hamlet in the translated version. On the basis of this, this paper analyzes the translation process of metaphor in Hamlet by using the theory of conceptual metaphor, which is the mental process in which the translator constructs and reconstructs conceptual metaphor between English and Chinese languages and cultures. From the perspective of this theory, we propose three translation strategies: mapping equivalent translation, offset equivalent translation and metaphorical ellipsis translation, and how to use these three translation strategies to guide the translation of metaphorical figures in Hamlet.
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