本文选题:《红楼梦》 + 概念隐喻 ; 参考:《浙江大学》2007年博士论文
【摘要】: 上个世纪70年代以来,随着认知科学的发展与推动,隐喻研究更多地从修辞学视角转向了认知语言学的探讨。这种认知转向不仅使隐喻研究迅速成长为一门显学,也使隐喻翻译研究成为隐喻应用研究领域不可或缺的重要课题。 由于隐喻修辞观的影响,翻译研究领域过去一直把隐喻单纯作为语言现象来处理,局限于形式与语义等语言层面的细读比较,很少触及隐喻翻译策略的取舍依据、翻译中的语境要素及其制约作用、翻译结果是等值还是差额等深层问题,这样的研究结论显得片面而缺乏说服力,所谓优劣得失也难以自圆其说。随着隐喻研究的认知转向,我们从认知语言学的概念隐喻理论和语言的认知观中充分认识了概念隐喻和隐喻表达之间的本质关系,隐喻翻译的研究方法和观念也随之改变。 本文尝试应用概念隐喻理论,通过定性与定量分析、实证调查与理论诠释相结合的研究方法,以《红楼梦》两个英语全译本(限于前80回)为语料,全面、系统地考察了文本六大隐喻系统的翻译基础、策略取舍、语境要素和评价依据,比较深入地论述了语境对策略的深层影响;明确提出并充分论证了翻译的差额观,突破了翻译“等值论”的局限性,并结合汉语传统翻译理论中的“似”和“幅度”标准,以及模糊数学中的“隶属度”概念,以翻译策略为基本评价依据,初步建立起隐喻翻译的模糊评价模式;从《红楼梦》这一典型文学文本的英译研究入手,明确提出并阐发了文学语境的观念,并充分论证了文学语境、上下文语境在隐喻翻译中的地位和作用,超越了以往对文化语境的笼统、泛化的讨论;通过实证调查,总结出“情节”补偿策略和“上下文”补偿策略。 第一章导论首先概述了《红楼梦》英译的研究现状,指出该领域存在的问题。综合评述隐喻研究的转向及其对隐喻翻译研究的影响,特别指出对《红楼梦》隐喻翻译研究的重要启示,说明本文研究的迫切性和现实意义;其次,对“概念隐喻”定义、“映射”机制及其系统性加以解说,概括出《红楼梦》六大隐喻系统,阐明本文研究理路;再次,确立论点,着重阐述了隐喻翻译的体验观、语境要素、翻译策略,以及翻译的差额观,并初步建立了模糊评价模式。 第二章至第七章分别进行六大隐喻系统的英译研究。第二章从五个“红”色隐喻的翻译实例,阐明文化认知体验差异对“红”色隐喻翻译的潜在影响;说明文化语境是霍译文选择归化策略的内在原因,并最终导致较高差额翻译。第三章分析霍译文的人名翻译实例,论证人名隐喻与文学语境的依存关系,阐明人名隐喻翻译中普遍的文化语境和特定的文学语境;着重分析奴仆群体人名、谐音人名、人物美谥的意译之“得”和音译之“失”,说明文学语境对人名隐喻的翻译有着更为显著的影响;同时从霍译文的人物美谥翻译中总结了“情节”补偿策略;以“紫鹃”和“霍启”的英译为例,说明以上两种语境发生冲突时应加注补偿的观点;通过差额分析,说明音译导致高差额,意译有助于实现低差额。第四章对比分析霍、杨译文,探讨不同译者的情境体验差异对“冷笑”隐喻翻译的影响;然后对比分析八位主要人物的“冷笑道”译文,说明上下文语境对“冷笑”隐喻翻译的广泛制约,并总结了两译文的“上下文”补偿策略;通过差额分析,说明上下文语境从根本上导致了“冷笑”隐喻的差额翻译。另外,归纳了“冷笑”隐喻翻译中12种新的拓展意义。第五章对比分析霍、杨译文,探讨译者的文化、情感心理体验差异对爱情隐喻意象的转换以及差额翻译的潜在影响,说明文化语境与文学语境共同制约着“水”、“月”、“窗”爱情隐喻的翻译策略及翻译结果。第六章分析霍译文,探讨“上-下”空间方位的文化认知体验差异对“上-下”空间隐喻翻译的深层影响,阐明“优先概念化”是“上-下”空间隐喻移植到英语的根本条件;通过对七个“上-下”空间隐喻的差额分析,说明意译导致了较高差额。第七章首先在诗歌隐喻视角下,论述了诗歌主题即概念隐喻的观点;其次通过对“咏菊”、“螃蟹咏”、“好了歌”三首诗歌的两译文对比分析,说明异化策略有利于传达主题思想,减少翻译差额。 结语部分简要总结各章研究结论:隐喻翻译主要以译者的文化认知体验为基础;文化语境、文学语境和上下文语境不同程度地影响着隐喻翻译,具体表现为策略取舍的依据;体验差异和语境制约是策略取舍的内在根据,并从根本上导致了隐喻的差额翻译。之后以本文为起点,,对今后要进一步研究的问题进行展望。 本文研究是对概念隐喻理论的科学性与可操作性的检验,并为隐喻翻译的认知研究摸索出一条可行路径,将“红楼译学”研究引入了一个崭新的领域。
[Abstract]:Since the 1970s , with the development and promotion of cognitive science , metaphor research has shifted from rhetoric perspective to cognitive linguistics .
As a result of the influence of metaphor rhetoric , the domain of translation studies has always treated metaphor as a linguistic phenomenon , confined to the linguistic level of formal and semantic , and seldom touches on the deep problems such as the choice of metaphor translation strategies , the contextual elements in translation and the constraints of the translation . As the cognitive turn of metaphor research , we fully understand the essential relationship between conceptual metaphor and metaphor expression from the conceptual metaphor theory of cognitive linguistics and the cognitive view of language , and the research methods and concepts of metaphor translation are changed .
This paper attempts to apply the theory of conceptual metaphor , through qualitative and quantitative analysis , empirical investigation and theoretical interpretation , to study the translation foundation , strategy choice , contextual factor and evaluation basis of the text six major metaphor systems in a comprehensive and systematic way .
This paper clearly puts forward and fully demonstrates the difference view of translation , breaks through the limitation of the equivalence theory of translation , and combines the concept of " likelihood " and " amplitude " in traditional Chinese translation theory , and the " membership degree " concept in fuzzy mathematics , and establishes the fuzzy evaluation mode of metaphor translation based on the translation strategy as the basic evaluation basis ;
Starting with the study of the English translation of the typical literary texts of the Dream of Red Mansion , the concept of literary context is put forward and expounded , and the status and function of the context of the context and context in the translation of metaphor are fully demonstrated , which goes beyond the generality and generalization of cultural context .
Based on the empirical investigation , the compensation strategy of " plot " and " context " compensation strategy are summarized .
The first chapter introduces the current situation of English translation of Dream of Red Mansion , and points out the problems in this field .
Secondly , the definition of " conceptual metaphor " , the " mapping " mechanism and its systematic explanation are summarized , and the six major metaphor systems of the Dream of the Red Mansion are summarized , and the study way is clarified .
Thirdly , the thesis puts emphasis on the concept of experience of metaphor translation , contextual factors , translation strategies , and the difference of translation , and establishes the fuzzy evaluation model .
The second chapter and chapter 7 respectively carry out the translation studies of the six major metaphor systems . The second chapter illustrates the potential impact of cultural cognitive experience differences on the translation of " red " color metaphor from the translation examples of five " red " color metaphor .
The third chapter analyzes the translation examples of the human name of Huo translation , expounds the relationship between the person name metaphor and the literary context , and expounds the universal cultural context and the specific literary context in the translation of human name metaphor ;
In this paper , the author focuses on the analysis of the name , the name of the homophone , the translation of the name of the characters and the loss of transliterated , which shows that the literary context has a more significant influence on the translation of man - name metaphor ;
At the same time , the " plot " compensation strategy is summarized from the translation of the characters of Huo translation .
Taking the English translation of " Zijuan " and " Huo Qi " as an example , it is suggested that the viewpoint of compensation should be added in the case of conflict between the above two contexts ;
On the basis of the difference analysis , it is explained that transliterated leads to the high difference , which helps to realize the low balance . In chapter four , we discuss the influence of different translators ' situation experience differences on the metaphor translation of " cold smile " ;
Then , the author compares the translation of " cold smile " in the context of the context and sums up the " context " compensation strategy of the two translations .
This paper discusses the translation strategies and translation results of " water " , " month " and " window " metaphor translation in the context of cultural context and literary context .
By analyzing the difference between the seven " upper - lower " spatial metaphor , this paper explains that the translation results in higher difference . Chapter 7 first discusses the concept of conceptual metaphor from the perspective of poetic metaphor .
Secondly , through the comparative analysis of the two translations of the three poems of " Yongju " , " crab Yong " and " good song " , it is suggested that the strategy of alienation is beneficial to convey the theme idea and reduce the translation difference .
The conclusion of each chapter is summarized in the concluding remarks : metaphor translation is based on the translator ' s cultural cognition experience .
The cultural context , the literary context and the context context affect the translation of metaphor , which is based on the strategy choice .
Experience difference and context restriction is the inner foundation of strategy choice , and it leads to the difference translation of metaphor .
This paper studies the scientific nature and operability of conceptual metaphor theory , and finds out a feasible path for the cognitive research of metaphor translation , and introduces the study of " Honglou Translatology " into a new field .
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