本文选题:胡秋原 + 左联 ; 参考:《首都师范大学》2007年硕士论文
【摘要】: 本文的研究对象是三十年代胡秋原的文艺思想。三十年代初,胡秋原根据对俄国马克思主义之父普列汉诺夫的研究,完成了《唯物史观艺术论》,这本专著对马克思主义文艺理论在我国的传播产生了积极的影响。1931年12月,胡秋原在《文化评论》创刊号上提出“自由人”文艺主张,引发了与左联的“文艺自由论争”,在这场论争中胡秋原对于文艺的阶级性、文艺与政治的关系,提出了一些合理见解,这也为后来的文艺实践所证明。由于胡秋原的特殊政治身份,目前国内对他文艺思想的研究屈指可数,而且大多仅止于对他在“文艺自由论争”中主要文艺观点的介绍,因此有必要对他的文艺思想进行一次全新的梳理,使我们得到一个更加明晰的认识。 文章的第一部分,论述胡秋原文艺思想中关于艺术与社会生活的关系问题。胡秋原认为艺术要真实的表现生活;艺术对生活有能动作用,但不能将这一作用夸大;对于艺术的独立性提出了“公转”“自转”的见解。 文章的第二部分,论述了胡秋原文艺思想中关于艺术倾向性的问题。胡秋原认为艺术的倾向性有其存在的社会依据,,艺术只问“为什么”,而不问“应该怎样”;艺术的本质是形象思维。 文章的第三部分主要论述胡秋原对“新现实主义”盲目性的批评,提出要正确理解马克思主义的问题。 文章的第四部分,阐释“自由人”定义及其文艺主张,分析胡秋原在文艺自由论争中与左翼文艺理论家思想分歧的原因:一个有“启蒙”性质,推崇文艺创作的自由;一个明确要求文艺作为阶级斗争的武器,实现“救亡”的需要。 结语部分,主要总结上文的分析结果,得出了胡秋原的文艺思想对当时左翼文艺理论中出现的偏颇起到了匡正作用的结论。
[Abstract]:The object of this paper is Hu Qiuyuan's literary and artistic thoughts in the 1930's. In the early 1930s, Hu Qiuyuan completed the Art of Historical materialism on the basis of his study of the father of Russian Marxism, Plainov. This monograph had a positive impact on the spread of Marxist literary and artistic theories in China. In December 1931, Hu Qiuyuan put forward the idea of "free man" literature and art in the first issue of the "Culture Review", which led to the "literary and artistic freedom debate" with the leftist federation. In this debate, Hu Qiuyuan's relation to the class nature of literature and art, literature and art and politics, Put forward some reasonable opinions, this also proved by later literary practice. Due to Hu Qiuyuan's special political identity, there are only a handful of studies on his literary and artistic thoughts in China, and most of them are confined to the introduction of his main literary and artistic viewpoints in the controversy over the Freedom of Literature and Art. Therefore, it is necessary to carve out his literary thoughts so that we can get a clearer understanding. The first part discusses the relationship between art and social life in Hu Qiuyuan's literary thought. Hu Qiuyuan thinks that art should truly express life; that art has a dynamic effect on life, but cannot exaggerate this role; and put forward an opinion of "revolution" and "rotation" for the independence of art. The second part discusses the artistic tendency in Hu Qiuyuan's literary thought. Hu Qiuyuan thinks that the tendency of art has its social basis for existence. Art only asks "why", not "what should be done"; the essence of art is image thinking. The third part mainly discusses Hu Qiuyuan's criticism of neo-realism and puts forward the problem of correctly understanding Marxism. The fourth part of the article explains the definition of "free man" and its literature and art propositions, and analyzes the reasons why Hu Qiuyuan disagreed with the left-wing literary theorists in the debate on literary and art freedom: a "enlightenment" nature, the freedom of literary and artistic creation; An explicit requirement of literature and art as a weapon of class struggle, to achieve the need to "save the nation." The conclusion of the conclusion is that Hu Qiuyuan's literature and art thought played a positive role in the left-wing literature and art theory at that time.
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