[Abstract]:Painting is referred to as visual art, music is called auditory art, but we often hear the color of notes, see the melody of lines, understand the exchange of senses between artistic languages, synaesthesia, and strengthen the appeal of art. It is of positive significance to rediscover the holography of art and inspire the emergence of new art categories. Based on the research results of many disciplines, this paper adopts the research method of combining textual research with theory. The chapter of the thesis begins with prose modern fable, enlightens "feeling" in reading with seemingly idle language, and makes the thesis truly achieve "universal induction". The author extends the experience of art appreciation course to explore the relationship between artistic languages. The paper begins with the significance of feeling, classification and the respective characteristics of the five senses, and points out that artistic feeling plays an important role in artistic creation, feeling is the root of artistic feeling, and artistic creation is inseparable from the artist's keen artistic feeling. Secondly, the thesis goes into the study of synesthesia, which mainly provides the definition and research status of synesthesia in psychology, the principle of physics, the relationship between synesthesia and synesthesia, the philosophical principle of synesthesia. The definition of literature and art and the modern extension of synaesthesia draw the conclusion that synaesthesia is common in daily life and artistic creation. From the historical point of view, the thesis relates synaesthesia to the origin of art, and from the guess of "art originates from witchcraft" leads to the relationship between sympathetic witchcraft and art, the evolution of witchcraft and the internal relation between the origin of Chinese aesthetics and witchcraft and sacrifice. The use of ancient literature reveals the sensory position in ancient Chinese aesthetics. Based on the relation between object and emotion and the exposition of object to emotion, this paper puts forward that the premise of communication between object and emotion is that they have the same or similar force structure. Based on the definition of language, the definition of art language and its characteristics, this paper tries to find the possibility of artistic language extrapolation. The paper points out that the characteristic invariants in art and the "rhythm" in art become the basis of "emotion" communication between the artistic senses. The synaesthesia of musical language in the art of music is illustrated to prove the argument that "the communication of artistic language is hidden in the creation of art". Finally, the author foresees: matter is good, spirit is good, feeling is good, the premise of "fornication" between them is that they produce the same or similar field-"A sense of each constitutes a self-sufficient field." The connection of the feeling should be the intersection of the field, each field interacts and flows on the emotional level, becomes the hotbed of the synaesthesia, and gives birth to the gifted illegitimate child of artistic fornication. "
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