[Abstract]:Drama translation has a history of 100 years in China. However, there has been no systematic study on drama translation in Chinese translation circles for a long time. In the process of introducing foreign drama, the first 30 years of last century was the most concentrated period of drama translation. Especially in the twenties, the selection of translation materials, translation methods and other aspects show a unique style. In writing the history of modern Chinese translation, drama translation in the 1920s is an indispensable part. Based on the reception theory and the level study, this paper makes a careful study of the two major forms of the public expectation horizon formed by the translators in the 1920s and the public expectation horizon formed by different readership, so as to select the candidates for drama translation. A descriptive study of translation strategies is carried out in an attempt to outline the full picture of foreign drama translation. This paper argues that the horizon of expectation of readers (both translators and target readers) plays a decisive role in the drama translation activities in the 1920s. On this basis, this paper points out that drama translation in the 1920s is a paradox: progressive translators introduce foreign drama on a large scale because it is the art form closest to the general public. And what really lets the drama go deep into the popular support is the adaptation drama which is nationalized. The national crisis of the 1920s aroused the patriotic enthusiasm of the progressive youth. Because of its close relationship with the masses, drama has become a tool for arousal and social transformation. A large number of foreign plays have been translated and introduced to China. Based on the criticism that the traditional opera is divorced from reality, the progressive translator adopts realism as the criterion for the selective translation of foreign drama. The critical spirit of the May 4th Movement makes foreign dramas with sharp critical satire and merciless revelation of social reality favored by translators. The consideration of the readers of different translations encourages the translators to use very different translation strategies. The translation of foreign plays, which is aimed at the progressive intellectual youth for them to read and imitate, shows a trend of Europeanization and even the phenomenon of "dead translation". For the purpose of performing, the drama translation for audience to watch adopts the strategy of domestication, which is the conscious choice made by the stage translator for the application of the Chinese audience who has been influenced by the traditional opera for a long time. In order to achieve with the audience's vision fusion, is accepted by the audience. This paper is a part of the history of Chinese modern translation literature, and also verifies the explanatory power of literary theory on translation activities. At the same time, through pondering over the historical and cultural reasons for the acceptance of translated works, this paper explores the law of acceptance of translated works, which will guide the future of drama translation and prosper the translation of contemporary Chinese drama. This paper consists of five chapters. The first chapter introduces the necessity of this study, literature review, the theoretical basis of the thesis, the structure of the framework and so on; the second chapter briefly introduces the reception theory, focusing on the perspective of expectation, and clarifies its applicability to drama translation. Chapter three analyzes the perspective of translators' personal expectation and its influence on drama translation in the 1920s. Chapter four analyzes the perspective of public expectation composed of different readers and its important influence on drama translation. The fifth chapter summarizes the theoretical significance of this paper, the limitations of the study, and put forward suggestions for future research. In this paper, a horizontal approach is used to investigate the translation of drama in the 1920s. In order to write a history of translation of Chinese drama, it is necessary to make a vertical study of other translation works in different periods and the translation reception of the same work in different periods.
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