[Abstract]:According to the author's investigation, the translation of Yuan qu has not received due attention. Both at home and abroad, there is a lack of translation of Yuan qu, especially its version of Xiao Ling. The purpose of this thesis is to arouse more attention to Xiao Ling's translation. Referring to Xu Yuanchong's poetry translation theory and Chinese traditional poetics and aesthetics, and combining Newmark's translation theory with other translators, the author gives the translation of some representative Xiao Ling and other translators (Xu Yuanchong). The purpose of this paper is to find a better translation method for Xiao Ling. The main results of this thesis are as follows: for the translation of Xiao Ling, The beauty of artistic conception is a key part of the beauty of meaning (referring to Xu Yuanchong's "the three Beauties"), and the translator should be acutely aware of the artistic conception hidden under the intention and strive to reproduce the artistic conception in the translation. If necessary, the translator has reason to change the specific terms of the original poem. In general, the language of Xiao Ling is elegant and elegant. In order to reproduce the beauty of artistic conception, this delicate style of wording should be preserved. Beauty of voice and beauty of form are also important. The translator should strike a proper balance between the three. As for Xiao Ling of the popular School, this paper studies the translation of Xu Yuanchong and Koo Zhengkun, and finds that neither of them has paid enough attention to the style characteristics of the original poem, especially the latter. No matter what the actual situation of the original poem, Koo tends to use elegant style. This approach is debatable, because the loss of the style of the original poem also means destroying its beauty. Therefore, the author adds the fourth beauty, that is, style beauty, to Xu Yuanchong's Triple Beauty. The author hopes that more attention will be paid to the reproduction of the original poetic style, especially the colloquial style of Xiao Ling.
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