[Abstract]:Modern times is the key period of the formation of modern meaning of "artistic conception". As a result of the input of western learning, "artistic conception" has appeared a new form of use-the "meaning" of western learning. After reintegrating into the discourse of Chinese native literary theory, this kind of "artistic conception", which is transformed from western learning, has become the so-called "artistic conception" in modern literary theory, which has a direct influence on the rise of "artistic conception" to the core category of Chinese literary theory and even aesthetics. However, in the construction of this theory, Chinese traditional cultural resources also play a key role. This is not only because the trend of development and evolution of "artistic conception" since the Qing Dynasty already has this possibility. What is more important is that China's own cultural tradition (lyric tradition) provides the necessary living ground for the rise of "artistic conception" to the core category of Chinese literary theory and even aesthetics. Therefore, it can be said that the formation of the modern meaning of "artistic conception" is the direct result of the collision and intersection of Chinese and Western cultural traditions.
【作者单位】: 许昌学院文学院;
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