[Abstract]:In the process of conquering the world, the ancient Roman Empire transported the works of art from Europe and the Mediterranean countries to Rome one after another, making Rome a "world museum", and thus it became a place where the world's cultural memory was preserved. The great encyclopedia of Pliny the older Roman scholar, who was fortunate enough to be born in that era, tried to use words to help the Romans remember the all-encompassing human civilization by reporting and recording. And the chapter on art has become one of the earliest works of art history in the West, which has always been attached importance to by western scholars, but the introduction of this art history work in China is few. This issue of Guan Xiaohui's article on the writing of the old Pliny the annals of the arts related to the situation. The Greek-born Italian artist Yanis Quneris, who became famous in the late 1960s and was described as a representative of the "poor art" genre, was written into the history of art in the 20th century. Since 2010, the 70-year-old artist has been studying and creating works of art in China, and recently held an important solo exhibition at the Museum of Art today. This installment of Liu Yuidi's article introduces the artistic experience of Kunairis and the situation of the exhibition.
【作者单位】: 上海大学美术学院;华南农业艺术学院大学;
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