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发布时间:2019-01-27 06:28
【摘要】: 论文从当前西方艺术危机以及丹托的艺术终结论讨论入手,导引出艺术与真理的关系问题,正如海德格尔所认为的那样,“艺术与真理的关系必须根据摹仿的本质来测度”,由此产生了本文对摹仿问题重新考察的要求。 论文第一章描述了通常关于摹仿的认识,以及对此类摹仿的批评和反对的三种态度。 论文第二章考察了摹仿的三个转型阶段:希腊到文艺复兴时期、巴洛克到写实主义时期以及印象派及其之后的时期,通过三个阶段的考察,揭示了从柏拉图到印象派以来的艺术摹仿说中,现象与本质、形式与观念的二元对立关系始终没有改变,正是此关系所造成的当代艺术危机的根源早存在于其中了,然而,海德格尔认为这种二元对立的形而上学真理观其实是一种对“存在的忘却”的真理观,而并不是真理的本源性含义,要认识艺术与真理的本源关系需要我们进一步地回溯到前苏格拉底之前的摹仿本源处去考察。因为这个说法,由此引出了对摹仿本源考察的要求。 论文第三章,回到摹仿的本源进行考察,揭示出摹仿被后人所遗忘的源初含义。 论文第四章,以塞尚与贾克梅蒂的艺术创作为个案,分析和阐释了摹仿源初的涵义在当下艺术创作中所显示的价值,以及此价值在面对当下艺术危机问题时的作用。 论文第五章,对摹仿的本源性含义和中国诗学中的“兴”的含义进行了比较。 论文最后的结语,总结了摹仿(mimesis)的源初含义与传统摹仿说的本质性差别,以及由此引发出中国诗性特质的艺术在面对当下艺术危机问题时的启发性价值。
[Abstract]:Starting from the current crisis of western art and the discussion of Danto's theory of artistic termination, the paper leads to the relationship between art and truth. As Heidegger thinks, "the relationship between art and truth must be measured according to the essence of imitation". From this, this article on the question of imitation to re-examine the requirements. The first chapter describes the general understanding of imitation, as well as the three attitudes of criticism and opposition to this kind of imitation. The second chapter examines the three transition stages of imitation: from Greece to the Renaissance, from Baroque to realism, and from Impressionism to its aftermath. It reveals that in the art imitation theory from Plato to Impressionism, the dualistic relationship between phenomenon and essence, form and concept has not changed. It is precisely the root of the contemporary art crisis caused by this relationship that has long existed in it. Heidegger holds that this dualistic metaphysical truth is actually a true view of "forgetting existence" rather than the original meaning of truth. To understand the relationship between art and truth, we need to go back to the origin of imitation before Socrates. Because of this statement, it leads to the request of the investigation of the origin of imitation. In the third chapter, we go back to the origin of imitation and reveal the original meaning of imitation forgotten by posterity. In the fourth chapter, taking Cezanne and Giacometti's artistic creation as an example, this paper analyzes and explains the value of the original meaning of imitation source in the present artistic creation, and the function of this value in the face of the current artistic crisis. Chapter five compares the original meaning of imitation with the meaning of Xing in Chinese poetics. At the end of the paper, the author summarizes the essential difference between the original meaning of imitating (mimesis) and the traditional imitating theory, and the enlightening value of the art of Chinese poetic characteristic in the face of the current artistic crisis.


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