[Abstract]:As one of the two main representatives of postmodern philosophy, Derrida criticized and questioned structuralism before the storm of May 1968. As a result, he developed another way of expression: heterogeneity as the center, and the two concepts of "other" and "extension" intertwined with the idea of understanding and structure. However, in his later years, he opened a certain distance from the concepts of "the other" and "extension". Derrida's literary view has five main points: literature has the freedom to tell everything; literature should concentrate history and contain everything; it has made an important adjustment to the connotation of the concept of "extension"; it denies literariness; and the work is a kind of system, which forms its own readers. In the United States, the thought of deconstructionism forms the literary criticism of understanding and structuralism, which is characterized by subverting the certainty of the text and the critic, and the result is that the analysis becomes paralyzed. Both black literary criticism and female literary criticism are influenced by understanding structuralism, and their practical function is to deconstruct the unified concept of black or female subject, which is formed from the difference but solidified. This is a specific embodiment of Deconstructurist criticism. Although it is important to reveal the complex heterogeneity within things and their concepts, it is indispensable to recognize their unity and stability to a certain extent.
【作者单位】: 苏州大学文学院;
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