发布时间:2017-08-31 06:01
【摘要】:谦敬称谓都是说话人用来向受话人表达尊敬的一种特殊语言形式。谦称是通过贬己尊人,而敬称则直接体现在对受话人的称呼上。谦敬称谓是影响跨文化交际的一个重要因素,谦敬称谓的使用可以从侧面反映出一个民族的价值观念。由于汉语谦敬称的发展有其特有的历史文化背景,因此在英译中寻求等值成为一大难题。汉语谦敬称谓能否在译入语中再现原语的内涵,以及如何再现也值得深入探讨。 归化和异化作为文化翻译的两种主要策略,一直是翻译研究的焦点。异化以最大限度地传播异域文化为己任,归化以读者的需求为中心,二者各有侧重。异化是翻译的必然趋势,而归化是翻译的必要手段,二者相辅相成,好的译者应在异化和归化之间找到最佳平衡点。 本文从谦敬称谓的定义、特点以及中西文化因素的制约等方面入手,对比英语和汉语中谦敬称谓的差异,以霍译和杨译的两个《红楼梦》版本为研究对象,采用美国翻译家兼翻译理论家韦努蒂以文化为导向的“异化”与“归化”的翻译策略,分析两位译者翻译这些谦敬称谓时采用的主要策略,发现译文在再现汉语谦敬称谓这一特殊文化现象及其价值观念上的得失,并从译者的文化立场、翻译目的和翻译思想三方面分析影响译者翻译策略选择的因素。
【关键词】:《红楼梦》 敬称 谦称 异化 归化
- 摘要3-4
- Abstract4-6
- Table of Contents6-9
- Chapter 1 Introduction9-12
- 1.1 Aim and Significance of the Study9-10
- 1.2 Methodology of the Study10
- 1.3 Structure of the Thesis10-12
- Chapter 2 Literature Review12-27
- 2.1 Study of Honorifics12-22
- 2.1.1 Definition of Honorifics12-13
- 2.1.2 Classification of Chinese Honorifics13-15
- Appellative Honorifics13-15
- Expressive Honorifics15
- 2.1.3 Characteristics of Chinese Honorifics15-17
- National Characteristics15-16
- Epochal Characteristics16
- Relativity16-17
- 2.1.4 Researches on Chinese Honorifics17-18
- 2.1.5 Differences between Chinese and English Honorifics18-20
- 2.1.6 Cultural Backgrounds behind Chinese and English Honorifics20-22
- 2.2 Hong Lou Meng and Its Translation22-24
- 2.2.1 Introduction to Hong Lou Meng22-23
- 2.2.2 Translation of Hong Lou Meng23-24
- 2.3 A General Introduction to Translation Strategies24-26
- 2.3.1 Introduction to Foreignization and Domestication24-25
- 2.3.2 Relationship between Foreignization and Domestication25-26
- 2.4 Summary26-27
- Chapter 3 A Comparative Study of the Translations of Honorifics in Two EnglishVersions of Hong Lou Meng27-50
- 3.1 Honorifics in Hong Lou Meng27-31
- 3.1.1 Respectful Appellations27-29
- Respectful Appellations Used to Address Superiors27-28
- Respectful Appellations Used to Address Equals28-29
- Respectful Appellations Used to Address Inferiors29
- 3.1.2 Modest Appellations29-31
- Modest Appellations Referring to Oneself29-30
- Modest Appellations Referring to Others30-31
- 3.2 A Comparative Analysis of the Translation of Honorifics in Hong Lou Meng31-49
- 3.2.1 Translation of Respectful Appellations31-40
- Translation of Respectful Appellations Used to Address Superiors31-35
- Translation of Respectful Appellations Used to Address Equals35-38
- Translation of Respectful Appellations Used to Address Inferiors38-40
- 3.2.2 Translation of Modest Appellations40-49
- Translation of Modest Appellations Referring to Oneself40-45
- Translation of Modest Appellations Referring to Others45-49
- 3.3 Summary49-50
- Chapter 4 Factors Influencing the Adoption of Translation Strategies50-54
- 4.1 The Cultural Standpoints of Translators50-51
- 4.2 The Purpose of Translation51-52
- 4.3 The Translation Concepts of Translators52-53
- 4.4 Summary53-54
- Chapter 5 Conclusion54-56
- 5.1 Major Findings of the Thesis54
- 5.2 Limitations of the Thesis and Suggestions for Future Research54-56
- References56-59
- 攻读学位期间的研究成果59-60
- Acknowledgements60-61
中国期刊全文数据库 前10条
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