发布时间:2017-09-05 05:06
【关键词】:文学边缘化 媒介生态学 影响 融合
- Acknowledgements5-6
- 摘要6-7
- Abstract7-10
- Chapter 1 Introduction10-18
- 1.1 Research Motivation10-13
- 1.2 Research Methodology13-15
- 1.3 Framework and Significance of the Thesis15-18
- Chapter 2 Literature Review18-32
- 2.1 An Overview of Media Ecology Theory18-23
- 2.1.1 International Research18-22
- 2.1.2 Domestic Research22-23
- 2.2 Previous Studies on Literature Peripherization23-32
- 2.2.1 Domestic Research24-29
- 2.2.2 International Research29-32
- Chapter 3 Struggle and Survival: Literature Peripherization in Electronic Era32-57
- 3.1 Enhancement of Pragmatism: Social Estrangement from Literature32-40
- 3.1.1 Diversity of Instant Information33-36
- 3.1.2 Popularization of Portable Devices36-40
- 3.2 Enhancement of Hedonism: Spiritual Alienation from Literature40-50
- 3.2.1 Flourishing of the Audial and Visual41-45
- 3.2.2 Burgeoning of Social Networking Site (SNS)45-50
- 3.3 Intrinsic Traits: Literature’s Self Salvation50-57
- 3.3.1 Quintessence of Culture and Civilization51-54
- 3.3.2 Sublimation of Humanity and Ideology54-57
- Chapter 4 Reconstruction and Renascence: Countermeasures to Literature Peripherization57-68
- 4.1 Supervision and Surveillance: Electronic Book Market58-61
- 4.2 Reform and Renovation: Multimedia Education61-63
- 4.3 Construction of Model: Literary Social Networking Site (LSNS)63-68
- Chapter 5 Conclusion68-71
- Works Cited71-77
- Appendix 1 Five-level Scale of Literary Education77-79
- Appendix 2 Questionnaire about Literature Reading and Uses of New Media79-85
- 攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文和取得的科研成果85
中国期刊全文数据库 前6条
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2 吴义勤;诱惑与困境——20世纪90年代中国文学的内在矛盾[J];理论学刊;2004年04期
3 邵培仁;传播生态规律与媒介生存策略[J];新闻界;2001年05期
4 赖大仁;图像化扩张与“文学性”坚守[J];文学评论;2005年02期
5 余虹;文学的终结与文学性蔓延——兼谈后现代文学研究的任务[J];文艺研究;2002年06期
6 罗宏;“文学终结”论的中国解读[J];学术研究;2004年10期