更多相关文章: 空间指示语 比较语言学 比较神话学 比较宗教学 词源学 《贝奥武夫》
【摘要】:《贝奥武夫》(Beowulf)是盎格鲁-撒克逊时期古英语诗歌中的翘楚,蕴含了英国文化的丰富内涵。自公元1786年以来,Beowulf已经有多种现代英语以及多语种译本。其中,Frederick Klaeber的Beowulf and The Fight at Finnsburg是世界上第一个完整的古英语版本,于20世纪初成为高校学者以及学生研究Beowulf的核心材料。译文体例完整,包括大量古英语术语汇编和背景资料。本文取材的第一个现代英译本是Francis Gummere的版本,该版本是Beowulf第一个完整的现代英译本。Gummere保持了原诗歌押韵、节奏、休止、文辞,以及古朴风韵。本文中取材的第二个现代英语本是Seamus Heaney于1999年发表的且以Heaneywulf著称的版本。该版本是高校中运用得最为广泛的版本。Heaney的翻译既易懂,又保留了盎格鲁-撒克逊的风格以及原诗歌的韵味。 作者详细探讨了Beowulf中空间指示语及其语言学、神话学和宗教学内涵,进而探讨Gummere和Heaney对古英语原版本中的空间指示语的不同诠释,分析空间指示语的原始印欧语词源,并结合比较神话学和比较宗教学的方法,经过研究得出以下结论:(1)比较语言学方面,Gummere对空间指示语的词源选择较Heaney更倾向于日耳曼语族固有词根,而Heaney的词源选择侧重于希腊语族、意大利语族和罗曼语族的词根。(2)比较神话学方面,Gummere对空间指示语中神话内涵的选择较Heaney更倾向于北欧神话,而Heaney的选择则着重希腊-罗马神话。(3)比较宗教学方面,Gummere对空间指示语中宗教内涵的选择较Heaney更倾向于诺斯多神教,而Heaney的选择偏重基督教。最后综合比较语言学、神话学和宗教学三个层面的分析,本文得出Gummere的译本比Heaney的译本更接近古英语原版的结论。 本文对Gummere和Heaney的现代英语版本中的空间指示语的探索希望对Beowulf的研究和学习、及其诗歌中的空间指示语的翻译以及比较语言学的研究有一定的帮助。
【关键词】:空间指示语 比较语言学 比较神话学 比较宗教学 词源学 《贝奥武夫》
- 摘要6-7
- Abstract7-11
- Chapter One Introduction11-19
- 1.1 Research Background11
- 1.2 Overview of Beowulf11-14
- 1.3 Previous Studies on Beowulf14-15
- 1.4 Notion of Space Deixis15-17
- 1.5 Research Objectives and Significance17-18
- 1.6 Research Methods18-19
- Chapter Two Theoretical Framework19-33
- 2.1 Comparative Linguistics19-23
- 2.1.1 Introduction to Comparative Linguistics19
- 2.1.2 Sub-Fields of Comparative Linguistics19-23
- Etymological Analysis19
- Dialectological Analysis19
- Phonological Analysis19
- Morphological Analysis19
- Syntactical Analysis19-23
- 2.2 Comparative Mythology23-29
- 2.2.1 Comparativits and Particularists23-26
- Scott Littleton's Theory and Protomoythology23
- Max Muller's Theory and Solar Myth23-24
- Joseph Campbell's Theory and Monomyth24-26
- 2.2.2 Approaches to Comparative Mythology26-29
- Linguistic Approach and Neogrammarian Sound Change Regularity26-27
- Anthropological Approach and Worter und Sachen Linguistic Paleontology27-28
- Structural Approach and Whorfian Linguistic Relativity28-29
- Psychological Approach and Neo-Humboldtian Ethnosymbolism29
- 2.3 Comparative Religion29-33
- 2.3.1 Claude Levi-Strauss' Theory and Anthropology of Religion29-30
- 2.3.2 Mircea Eliade's Theory and Hierarchies of Religion30-32
- 2.3.3 Ninian Smart's Theory and Dimensions of Religion32-33
- Chapter Three Comparative Linguistic Analysis of Different Translations of Space Deixis inTwo Modern Versions of Beowulf33-64
- 3.1 Etymological Analysis of Space Deixis33-46
- 3.1.1 Latin and Greek Influence on Space Deixis33-37
- 3.1.2 Scandinavian Influence on Space Deixis37-40
- 3.1.3 Romance Influence on Space Deixis40-43
- 3.1.4 Celtic Influence on Space Deixis43-46
- 3.2 Dialectological and Phonological Analysis of Space Deixis46-50
- 3.2.1 West Saxon Dialect and Anglian Dialects46-47
- 3.2.2 Cross-Dialectical Analysis of Space Deixis47-50
- 3.3 Linguistic Change of the English Language50-62
- 3.3.1 Lexical hanges50-54
- 3.3.2 Phonetic and Phonological Changes54-56
- 3.3.3 Spelling Changes56-57
- 3.3.4 Semantic Changes57-62
- 3.3.5 Syntactic Change62
- 3.4 Summary62-64
- Chapter Four Comparative Mythological Analysis of Different Translations of Space Deixis inTwo Modern Versions of Beowulf64-81
- 4.1 Linguistic Approach to Mythological Elements in Space Deixis64-69
- 4.1.1 Proto-Indo-European Religion as Prototype in Space Deixis64-66
- 4.1.2 Common Germanic Deities and Its Presentation in Space Deixis66-68
- 4.1.3 Anthropomorphism in Old Germanic and Indo-European Cultural Traditions68-69
- 4.2 Structural Approach to Mythological Elements in Space Deixis69-77
- 4.2.1 Structuralist Approach to Anglo-Saxon Myth69-70
- 4.2.2 Structural Anthropology and Binary Opposites in Space Deixis70-72
- 4.2.3 Narrative Structure and Space Deixis as Plot and Setting72-74
- 4.2.4 Anthropocentrism and Space Deictic Reflection in Personal Characters74-77
- 4.3 Psychological Approach to Mythological Elements in Space Deixis77-80
- 4.3.1 Analytical Psychology and Collective Unconsciousness in Anglo-Saxons77-78
- 4.3.2 Carl Jungian Archetypes and Archaic Images in Space Deixis78-80
- 4.4 Summary80-81
- Chapter Five Comparative Religious Analysis of Different Translations of Space Deixis in TwoModern Versions of Beowulf81-97
- 5.1 Proto-Indo-European Religious Elements in Space Deixis81-87
- 5.1.1 Mythological Parallels in Proto-Indo-European Religion81-82
- 5.1.2 Pantheon and Ritual Presented in Space Deixis82-87
- 5.2 Comparison of Abrahamic Religions87-89
- 5.2.1 Paganism and Christianity87
- 5.2.2 Paganish Influence on Early Christian Theology87-89
- 5.3 Pre-Christian Germanic Paganish Elements in Space Deixis89-92
- 5.3.1 Anglo-Saxon Paganism in Migration Period89-90
- 5.3.2 Norse Paganism in Viking Age90-92
- 5.4 Christianization of Anglo-Saxon England and Christian Elements in Space Deixis92-96
- 5.4.1 Anglo-Saxon Christianity and Polytheism Replacement92-94
- 5.4.2 Anglo-Saxon Toponymy and its Religious Division94-96
- 5.5 Summary96-97
- Chapter Six Conclusion97-100
- 6.1 Major Findings of the Research97-98
- 6.2 Implications of the Research98-99
- 6.3 Limitations and Prospects for Further Studies99-100
- Acknowledgements100-101
- Bibliography101-106
- Appendix106-109
- Published Paper while Registered with the MA Program109
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