本文关键词: 社会符号学翻译法 《红楼梦》 对联翻译 意义相符 功能相似 出处:《中南大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:对联是中华文化中特有的一种文学形式,是中华民族灿烂文化和悠久历史的一项艺术结晶。对联,俗称“对子”或“联语”,包括上下两联。上下两联字数相等、结构相同,严格的说,上下联对应的字词还要词性相同、平仄相反。对联还有优美的语言、深远的意境和广泛的用途。总之,对联因形式工整、音韵和谐、内容丰富、具有极高的美学价值的特点,长期以来都是雅俗共赏的、老百姓喜闻乐见的 一种文学形式。随着中外文化交流的不断增加,对联的翻译也成为专家学者们非常感兴趣的一个内容。但是,也正是因为对联的这些特点,使得对联的翻译成为翻译界的一个大难题。 《红楼梦》是我国古代最杰出的作品之一,被认为是我国古代包罗万象的百科全书。这部著作囊括了我国传统文学的几乎所有的文学形式,其中就包括一百多付对联。这些对联除了少数几付假拟清客之口所做之外,不但与故事情节发展紧密相关,而且题材广泛,文字优美,内容丰富,意义深远,具有非常高的艺术价值。 本文通过社会符号学翻译法视角研究《红楼梦》霍译本中的对联翻译。社会符号学翻译法以符号学观点为基础,其核心内容可以总结为:世界由符号组成,所有的符号都有意义,而翻译就是将符号的意义从一种语言传达到另一种语言的过程;翻译过程应该不仅考虑到上下文的小环境,而且应该放到文化和社会的大环境里。我国的陈宏薇教授提出了社会符号学翻译法的翻译标准,即“意义相符,功能相似”。本文尝试以这一标准研究和评估《红楼梦》霍译本中的对联翻译。一方面,本文采用莫里斯的语言符号意义三分法来具体研究《红楼梦》霍译本中的对联的“意义相符”情况,即语言符号学从意义、句法和语用三方面分为语义学,语形学和语用学三个部分,相应的,一个语言符号承载着三种意义:(1)指称意义,指符号与其所指对象之间的关系体现的意义;(2)言内意义,指同一文本或同一语言系统中符号之间的关系所产生的意义;(3)语用意义,反映的是符号与其使用者之间的关系的意义。另一方面,本文采用韩礼德的系统功能语法中的三个纯理功能来评估《红楼梦》霍译本中的对联翻译的“功能相似”情况,即韩礼德认为语言必须得放在文化和社会的背景中,语言是一个系统,这个系统最重要的组成部分就是语义系统,而语义系统又是功能性的,他把这些功能概括为概念纯理功能,人际纯理功能和语篇纯理功能。本文也是从这个三个方面来具体评估《红楼梦》霍译本是否达到了“功能相似”的标准。
[Abstract]:Couplet is a unique literary form in Chinese culture and an artistic crystallization of the splendid culture and long history of the Chinese nation. Including the upper and lower two couplets. The upper and lower word number is equal, the structure is the same, strictly speaking, the corresponding words of the upper and lower link should be the same in part of speech, flat and narrow opposite. The couplet also has the beautiful language. Profound artistic conception and wide use. In a word, due to its neat form, harmonious tone, rich content and extremely high aesthetic value, the couplet has long been popular with the common people. With the increasing cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, the translation of couplets has become a very interesting content for experts and scholars. However, it is precisely because of these characteristics of couplets. The translation of antithetical couplets has become a major problem in translation circles. "A Dream of Red Mansions" is one of the most outstanding works in ancient China. It is considered to be an encyclopedia of ancient China. It covers almost all the forms of Chinese traditional literature. These couplets include more than 100 couplets. These couplets, in addition to a few fake purists, are not only closely related to the development of the story plot, but also have a wide range of themes, beautiful words, rich content, and far-reaching significance. Have very high artistic value. From the perspective of social semiotics translation, this paper studies the translation of antithetical couplets in Huo's translation of A Dream of Red Mansions. The translation method of social semiotics is based on the semiotics point of view, and its core content can be summarized as follows: the world is composed of symbols. All symbols have meanings, and translation is the process of transferring the meaning of symbols from one language to another. The translation process should take into account not only the context but also the cultural and social environment. Professor Chen Hongwei of our country has put forward the translation standard of social semiotic translation, that is, "meaning is consistent." This paper attempts to use this criterion to study and evaluate the translation of antithetical couplets in Huo's translation of A Dream of Red Mansions. In this paper, Morris's three-point method of linguistic symbolic meaning is used to study the "semantic correspondence" of antithetical couplets in the Huo version of A Dream of Red Mansions, that is, linguistic semiotics is divided into semantics from three aspects: meaning, syntax and pragmatics. Accordingly, a linguistic symbol bears three meanings: 1) referential meaning, and the meaning embodied in the relationship between the symbol and the object to which it refers; (2) Intra-verbal meaning, which refers to the meaning produced by the relationship between symbols in the same text or in the same language system; (3) pragmatic meaning, which reflects the meaning of the relationship between the symbol and its users, on the other hand. This paper uses three pure functions in Halliday's systemic functional grammar to evaluate the "functional similarity" of the translation of the couplet in the Huo version of A Dream of Red Mansions. That is, Halliday thinks that language must be placed in the context of culture and society, language is a system, the most important part of this system is the semantic system, and the semantic system is functional. He generalizes these functions as conceptual function, interpersonal function and textual function. This paper also evaluates whether the Huo version of A Dream of Red Mansions meets the criterion of "functional similarity".
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