本文关键词: 文化翻译 《红高粱家族》英译本 翻译策略 出处:《湖南师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Language, culture and translation are inextricably linked. Successful translation requires not only the translator's good language skills, but also higher cultural literacy. 1990. After Susan Bassnett and Andrew Lefevere put forward the cultural turn, people further established the cultural participation in translation: the process of translation is not just a process of language conversion. "Red Sorghum Family" is the representative work of the Nobel Prize winner Mo Yan in 2012. The English translation is accomplished by the famous "the most authoritative literary translator in the Western world". There are many words and expressions which reflect the unique culture of China in the Family of Red Sorghorn, and these words and expressions are similar to those of the West. In particular, there are great cultural differences in English-speaking countries. Therefore, in the process of translation, translators will inevitably encounter cultural differences in order to achieve the transfer of culture in the process of translation. Translation strategies such as domestication and alienation are inevitably applied. There are great differences between domestication and foreignization towards the culture of the source language. Therefore, for many years there has been controversy about which is the most important. This paper explores the concrete application of domestication strategy in the English translation of the Red Sorghorn Family from the material, institutional and spiritual aspects. Combined with the translator's practical view of translation, this paper analyzes the factors that influence the translator's choice of translation strategies. Through literature research, case analysis and data analysis, this paper draws the following conclusions: first. In the translation of the Red Sorghum Family, the translator adopts two common translation strategies. Second, although the two translation strategies complement each other and exist together, they are in the translation of the Red Sorghum Family. Compared with alienation strategies, translators tend to adopt domestication strategies more frequently. Finally, there are some reasons for the use of specific translation strategies: language differences, cultural differences, and ideological differences. The translator's view on translation.
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