[Abstract]:Education is not a simple phenomenon in today's society but rather complex and rich, so the essence of education is a combination of diversity and multi-level. It is the unity of its social, scientific and artistic attributes. There is a close relationship between the education of art and design and the quality of humanities, but the two are neither included nor substituted for each other. Art design can infect people to treat the world with a non-utilitarian aesthetic attitude. Art design and art design education are conducive to the perfection of personality and help to adjust people's mentality effectively. As a humanities subject, the fundamental purpose of art education is to shape people spiritually, educate them and make them develop in an all-round way. In order to reflect the effectiveness of contemporary Chinese art and design education in improving humanistic quality, it must be emphasized that it should be carried out in a harmonious and organic integration. The fundamental function of art and design works is to convey information and to induce consumption, which makes consumers sympathize, understand, convince and accept in their supplication and persuasion. The persuasion of art design is not compulsory or argumentative. This kind of "hint" manifests in the design creativity and the picture design is to use the humanity factor to aim at the consumer's interest and the demand to go to the stimulation frequently, in order to cause the purchase tendency. In China, because the people's culture is too implicit and the space and time limits of modern advertising are too contrasting, there is often a dilemma-the design of Yao Mo is too implicit and the meaning is not clear. Another situation is that the expression is too straightforward and appear to have no artistic conception at all. But in any case, the cultural theme of design communication has the subtle force of cultural penetration, which is beyond doubt.
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