Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Research purpose and significance
1.3 Thesis structure
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Previous researches on Mo Yan and Howard Goldblatt
2.1.1 Researches on Mo Yan
2.1.2 Researches on Howard Goldblatt
2.2 Previous researches on Red Sorghum
2.3 Previous researches on the English version of Red Sorghum.
2.4 Previous researches on culture-loaded words
2.4.1 The definition of culture-loaded words
2.4.2 The classification of culture-loaded words
2.4.3 The research status of the relevance theory perspective onculture-loaded words
Chapter Three Relevance theory
3.1 Introduction to relevance
3.2 Core ideas
3.2.1 Ostensive-inferential communication model
3.2.2 Principles of relevance
3.2.3 Maximum and optimal relevance
3.2.4 Relevant study on relevance degree
Chapter Four Case Study:Translation strategies of MaterialCulture-loaded Words from the Perspective of Relevance Theory
4.1 Linguistic characteristics of Red Sorghum
4.2 Classification of material culture-loaded words in RedSorghum
4.3 Studies on Translation strategies of Material Culture-loadedWords in Red Sorghum
4.3.1 MCLW in clothing
4.3.2 MCLW in food
4.3.3 MCLW in architecture
4.3.4 MCLW in transportation
4.3.5 MCLW in daily necessities
4.3.6 MCLW in currency and measures and weights
Chapter Five Conclusion
AppendixⅠ MCLW in Clothing
AppendixⅡ MCLW in Food
AppendixⅢ MCLW in Architecture
AppendixⅣ MCLW in Transportation
AppendixⅤ MCLW in Daily Necessities
AppendixⅥ MCLW in Currency and Measures and Weights
AppendixⅦ Abbreviations
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