1. Introduction
1.1 Research background
1.2 Research significance
1.3 Structure of the thesis
2. Literature Review
2.1 Previous studies on the application of sociology to translation abroad
2.2 Previous studies on the application of sociology to translation at home
2.3 Previous studies on Ma Junwu's translation
3. Theoretical Framework
3.1 An introduction to Pierre Bourdieu and his sociology
3.2 Main concepts in Bourdieu's sociology
3.2.1 Field
3.2.2 Habitus
3.2.3 Capital
3.3 Bourdieu's main concepts and translation studies
3.3.1 Field and translation
3.3.2 Habitus and translation
3.3.3 Capital and Translation
4. A Sociological Analysis of Ma Junwu's Translation of The Isles of Greece
4.1 An introduction to Ma Junwu and his translated works
4.2 Field and Ma Junwu's choice of The Isles of Greece
4.2.1 In terms of social field
4.2.2 In terms of literary field
4.3 Habitus and Ma Junwu's ways of translation
4.3.1 Domestication
4.3.2 Addition
4.3.3 Omission
4.3.4 Adaptation
4.4 Major capitals functioning in Ma's translation
4.4.1 Cultural capital
4.4.2 Social capital
5. Social Influences of Ma Junwu's Translation of The Isles of Greece
5.1 Promoting national awakening
5.2 Promoting a translation upsurge of The Isles of Greece
6. Conclusion
6.1 Major findings
6.2 Limitations of the study and suggestions for future research
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