Abstract in English
Abstract in Chinese
Ⅰ. The origin and development of the Stream-of-Consciousness literature
1.1. The origin of the Stream-of Consciousness literature
1.2. Historical and social background
1.3. Cultural background
1.4. The features of the Stream-of-Consciousness novel (The differences between the traditional novel and the Stream-of-Consciousness novel)
1.4.1. traditional novel: outer world description, material life, typical characters.
1.4.2. traditonal: dramatized structure: language, action, props, settings, etc.
1.4.3. traditional: a complete and interesting story.
Ⅱ. An introduction about Faulkner and his The Sound and the Fury
2.1. About Faulkner's family and his experience, his educational background
2.2. About Faulkner's literary works and his style
2.3. A summary about the novel and an introduction about its characters
Ⅲ. Some narrative methods of the Stream-of-Consciousness technique and their application in The Sound and the Fury
3.1. Multiple points of view
3.2. Free Association
3.3. Interior Monologue
3.4. Shift of time
3.5. Use of verse form in narrating
Ⅳ. Conclusion
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