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David Ives的喜剧艺术及其对中国喜剧的借鉴意义

发布时间:2020-12-20 15:35
  本文以喜剧作为一种话剧类型的发展变化为大环境,介绍了当代美国最负盛名的喜剧作家之一的David Ives及其最受欢迎的几部作品;依据喜剧令人感到滑稽,容易发笑的机制,分析了喜剧创作中常用的幽默设计,笑料制造的手法;在Ives的几个代表独幕剧剧作的基础上探讨了其喜剧艺术,并将此与中国大陆的喜剧创作进行比较对照,以期国内的喜剧作家们能从中受到某些启发,最终对中国喜剧创作的繁荣和进展起一定的借鉴作用。文章就三个方面分析了Ives喜剧作品的艺术。首先是主题。Ives的喜剧作品主题内容丰富:既嘲弄了青年男女的爱情观念与人际关系,又通过描写人在工业化时代的迷茫与失落,讽刺了生活节奏日益加快,人难以适应的现代社会;既有对轻视幻想在日常生活中的作用的人的挖苦,也嘲笑了以作家为代表的现代人没有自由的困境和生存状态。其次,以喜剧幽默设计中的夸张、不协调 (incongruity)、机械动作 (automatism)、嘲弄 (derision)、滑稽戏仿 (parody)、具有音乐美的对话语言等各种手法为线索,分析了Ives令人捧腹的喜剧的艺术特点。第三方面研究了Ives对待移情 (empathy)作用的态... 

【文章来源】:对外经济贸易大学北京市 211工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:72 页


Abstractin Chinese
Abstractin English
An Introductory Note
Chapter1 The Issueof This Paper
    1.1. David Ives'profile
    1.2. The thesis of the paper
Chapter2 A Critical Survey of Comedy Theories
    2.1. The definition of comedy
    2.2. The Evolution of comedy
        2.2.1. Ancient Greek comedy-the birth of comedy
        2.2.2. Comedy during the Middle Agesand Renaissance
        2.2.3. Elizabethan comedy
        2.2.4. Comedy in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
        2.2.5. Nineteenth century comedy
        2.2.6. Modern and contemporary comedy
    2.3. Types of comedy
    2.4. Devices of comedy
        2.4.1. Exaggeration
        2.4.2. Incongruity
        2.4.3. Automatism
        2.4.4. Surprise
Chapter3 The Artof Ives' Comedies
    3.1. Themes o fIves'one-acts
        3.1.1. Love
        3.1.2. Confusion
        3.1.3. People's psycho logical need of daydreaming
        3.1.4. Care of the human condition
    3.2. Ives' comic devices
        3.2.1. Exaggeration
        3.2.2. Incongruity
        3.2.3. Derision
        3.2.4. Automatism
        3.2.5. Parod yin Ives' one-acts
    3.3. Ives' Empathy
    3.4. Ives' music of language
Chapter4 Implication of Ives' Comic Art to Chinese Theatre
    4.1. The destitution of Chinese comedy
        4.1.1. Chinese historical resistance to comedy
        4.1.2. Chinese psychological unpreparedness for comedy
        4.1.3. Contemporary Chinese's want of comedy
    4.2. A trueunderstanding of the nature of comedy
    4.3. Relevance of and focus on themes
    Asummary of the thesis
    The significance of comedy researchina Chinese context
    Contribution and limitation of this thesis
        Appendix1 The Evolution of Comedy
        Appendix2 Types of Comedy

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