发布时间:2021-07-30 11:39
【文章页数】:65 页
Chapter One Writing Background of the Community Narratives
1.1 Transitional society: competition of contrastive moral values
1.1.1 Erosion of materialism on Puritanism in America
1.1.2 The crossroad of social development in China
1.2 Personal choice: pen as weapon
1.2.1 Triumph of spiritual fulfillment against material success
1.2.2 Heartful call for sane spirit
1.3 Barometers in an unrest society
Chapter Two The Grotesque: Confusion at the Crossroad
2.1 Victim of the industrial and material society
2.1.1 Twisted apples left hung on the tree
2.1.2 Lonely souls in an alienated society
2.1.3 Devalued female in a frustrated society
2.2 Poison of Feudalist society on the soul
2.2.1 The images of farmers living in a cruel society
2.2.2 Intellectual images in an age of transition from tradition to modernity
2.2.3 Miserable life of the female
2.3 Guides in a spiritually lost society
Chapter Three Pioneer of a New Literary Era
3.1 The structure of the community narratives
3.1.1 Structure in Winesburg, Ohio tales
3.1.2 Structure in Call to Arms and Wandering
3.2 Writing techniques in the community narratives
3.2.1 Symbolism in the community narratives
3.2.2 Psychological exploration in the community narratives
3.2.3 Irony in the community narratives
3.3 Bound of Realism and Modernism
Chapter Four Reflections on the Reception of the Community Narratives
4.1 The reception of the community narratives
4.2 Reflections on the reception
[1]从舍伍德·安德森的作品看他对弗洛伊德理论的态度[J]. 尹根德. 小说评论. 2010(S1)
[2]鲁迅与中国现代自由主义[J]. 胡梅仙. 中国现代文学研究丛刊. 2009(06)
[3]“后理论时代”西方理论思潮的走向[J]. 王宁. 外国文学. 2005(03)
[4]《小城畸人》“性主题”的文化阐释[J]. 马征. 外国文学研究. 2004(04)
[5]批评的循环——对西方文学批评演进过程的一种描述[J]. 张奎志. 哈尔滨工业大学学报(社会科学版). 2003(04)
[6]《都柏林人》和《呐喊》、《彷徨》比较研究[J]. 傅似逸. 外语与外语教学. 2003(12)
[7]安德森的《林中之死》的元小说特征[J]. 封一函. 解放军外国语学院学报. 2000(05)
[8]《小城畸人》艺术论[J]. 王青松. 外国文学评论. 1999(03)
[9]论“五四”象征主义文学初潮[J]. 朱寿桐. 南京大学学报(哲学.人文科学.社会科学版). 1998(03)
[10]论象征主义文学的基本特征[J]. 吕伟民,王国明. 郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 1996(04)
[1]论《小城畸人》中的怪诞人物形象[D]. 门向亮.山东大学 2012
[2]论“五四”至30年代“外来者故事”的叙事形式和主题思想[D]. 代璐.天津师范大学 2011
[3]反讽叙事研究[D]. 谷蜜.重庆师范大学 2009
【文章页数】:65 页
Chapter One Writing Background of the Community Narratives
1.1 Transitional society: competition of contrastive moral values
1.1.1 Erosion of materialism on Puritanism in America
1.1.2 The crossroad of social development in China
1.2 Personal choice: pen as weapon
1.2.1 Triumph of spiritual fulfillment against material success
1.2.2 Heartful call for sane spirit
1.3 Barometers in an unrest society
Chapter Two The Grotesque: Confusion at the Crossroad
2.1 Victim of the industrial and material society
2.1.1 Twisted apples left hung on the tree
2.1.2 Lonely souls in an alienated society
2.1.3 Devalued female in a frustrated society
2.2 Poison of Feudalist society on the soul
2.2.1 The images of farmers living in a cruel society
2.2.2 Intellectual images in an age of transition from tradition to modernity
2.2.3 Miserable life of the female
2.3 Guides in a spiritually lost society
Chapter Three Pioneer of a New Literary Era
3.1 The structure of the community narratives
3.1.1 Structure in Winesburg, Ohio tales
3.1.2 Structure in Call to Arms and Wandering
3.2 Writing techniques in the community narratives
3.2.1 Symbolism in the community narratives
3.2.2 Psychological exploration in the community narratives
3.2.3 Irony in the community narratives
3.3 Bound of Realism and Modernism
Chapter Four Reflections on the Reception of the Community Narratives
4.1 The reception of the community narratives
4.2 Reflections on the reception
[1]从舍伍德·安德森的作品看他对弗洛伊德理论的态度[J]. 尹根德. 小说评论. 2010(S1)
[2]鲁迅与中国现代自由主义[J]. 胡梅仙. 中国现代文学研究丛刊. 2009(06)
[3]“后理论时代”西方理论思潮的走向[J]. 王宁. 外国文学. 2005(03)
[4]《小城畸人》“性主题”的文化阐释[J]. 马征. 外国文学研究. 2004(04)
[5]批评的循环——对西方文学批评演进过程的一种描述[J]. 张奎志. 哈尔滨工业大学学报(社会科学版). 2003(04)
[6]《都柏林人》和《呐喊》、《彷徨》比较研究[J]. 傅似逸. 外语与外语教学. 2003(12)
[7]安德森的《林中之死》的元小说特征[J]. 封一函. 解放军外国语学院学报. 2000(05)
[8]《小城畸人》艺术论[J]. 王青松. 外国文学评论. 1999(03)
[9]论“五四”象征主义文学初潮[J]. 朱寿桐. 南京大学学报(哲学.人文科学.社会科学版). 1998(03)
[10]论象征主义文学的基本特征[J]. 吕伟民,王国明. 郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 1996(04)
[1]论《小城畸人》中的怪诞人物形象[D]. 门向亮.山东大学 2012
[2]论“五四”至30年代“外来者故事”的叙事形式和主题思想[D]. 代璐.天津师范大学 2011
[3]反讽叙事研究[D]. 谷蜜.重庆师范大学 2009