发布时间:2021-08-04 09:59
很多作家创造了自己的微型世界,福克纳的约克纳帕塔法县就是其中很有名的一个。他的小说《去吧,摩西》中的世界变迁正好对应于理安·艾斯勒女士在《圣杯与剑》中所描绘的发展模式。在早期时代里,社会关系基本上是以男女合作为基础的。在大女神的庇护下,人类和谐而和平地相处着。随着蛮族的入侵,最强壮和最残忍的男人拥有了最高的权力。女神则被杀死或被降低到一个更强有力的男性神的配偶的从属地位。男性不断地压迫、剥削和羞辱作为他们的同胞和姐妹的人类另一半。男女合作让位给了男性统治,压迫代替了平等。然而对女神的崇拜从未消失过。合作而不是对抗,和谐而不是征服,将是人类发展的趋向。爱将会把人类的两半重新结合到一起。 少年艾克进入了女神的领域,在神的祭司山姆·法泽斯的引导下,朝拜了女神化身,大熊老班,并懂得了一些生命的真谛。而外界社会的入侵彻底摧毁了女神的世界,爱与责任的原则被压迫与杀戮代替。艾克看到了家族的罪恶,但他仅仅只是放弃了遗产,而不采取任何解放人类的行动。最终还是那些黑人女性用她们的爱与坚忍让我们看到了一丝希望。 本文借艾斯勒的术语“男女合作”和“男性统治”探索了福克纳那个小小宇宙中的人际关系。既...
【文章来源】:南京师范大学江苏省 211工程院校
【文章页数】:80 页
Chapter Ⅰ. Background
1. Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha
2. The creation of the book
3. The structure and the plot of the book
Chapter Ⅱ. The philosophic basis for the book
1. The ancient Goddess-oriented societies
2. The male dominance
3. The ideals of gylany
Chapter Ⅲ. The replacement of gylany by androcracy represented in the book
1. Death of the Goddess
2. Suppression and oppression under androcracy
① Woman,the “Other”
② The male-dominated family
③ The white patriarchal society
Chapter Ⅳ. The central symbolic character—Ike
1. Ike's first revisit to the receding woods
2. Ike's failure in reparation
3. Ike's final revisit to the woods as an old man
Chapter Ⅴ. Hope for the future
1. Women's challenge
2. Love's power
Chapter Ⅵ. Conclusion
【文章来源】:南京师范大学江苏省 211工程院校
【文章页数】:80 页
Chapter Ⅰ. Background
1. Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha
2. The creation of the book
3. The structure and the plot of the book
Chapter Ⅱ. The philosophic basis for the book
1. The ancient Goddess-oriented societies
2. The male dominance
3. The ideals of gylany
Chapter Ⅲ. The replacement of gylany by androcracy represented in the book
1. Death of the Goddess
2. Suppression and oppression under androcracy
① Woman,the “Other”
② The male-dominated family
③ The white patriarchal society
Chapter Ⅳ. The central symbolic character—Ike
1. Ike's first revisit to the receding woods
2. Ike's failure in reparation
3. Ike's final revisit to the woods as an old man
Chapter Ⅴ. Hope for the future
1. Women's challenge
2. Love's power
Chapter Ⅵ. Conclusion