发布时间:2022-01-25 22:49
【文章页数】:159 页
1. Task Description
1.1 Task Background
1.2 Linguistic Characteristics
2. Process Description
2.1 Pre-translation
2.2 During Translation
2.3 Post-translation
3. Literature Review
3.1 Studies on Miao Ancient Songs
3.2 Studies on the Translation of Miao Ancient Songs
3.3 Studies on Eco-translatology
3.3.1 Studies on Eco-translatology at Home
3.3.2 Studies on Eco-translatology Abroad
4. Theoretical Foundations
4.1 The Origin of Eco-translatology
4.2 Main Concepts in Eco-translatology
4.2.1 Translational Eco-environment
4.2.2 Adaptation and Selection in Translation Process
4.2.3 Translator-centeredness
4.2.4 Three Dimensional Transformations
5. Case Study
5.1 Translation Difficulties
5.1.1 Difficulties at the Linguistic Level
5.1.2 Difficulties at the Cultural Level
5.1.3 Difficulties at the Communicative Level
5.2 Translation Methods
5.2.1 Selection from the Linguistic Dimension
5.2.2 Selection from the Cultural Dimension
5.2.3 Selection from the Communicative Dimension
6. Conclusion
6.1 Summary
6.2 Limitations
Works Cited
Appendix 1: The Source Text
Appendix 2: The Target Text
[1]汉语流水句的空间性特质[J]. 王文斌,赵朝永. 外语研究. 2016(04)
[2]英汉语言差异引起的常见英汉翻译问题评价[J]. 李雯. 山东农业工程学院学报. 2016(09)
[3]英汉语显隐性对比——以习近平主席新年贺词为例[J]. 王素娥. 现代语文(学术综合版). 2016(09)
[4]《苗族史诗》汉译与英译的若干问题——《苗族史诗》汉文译注者吴一文教授访谈录[J]. 吴一文,刘雪芹. 燕山大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2016(02)
[5]苗族古歌原生态文化视角翻译探究[J]. 李燕娟,杨瑛. 凯里学院学报. 2014(05)
[6]苗族口传文学经典的跨文化传译——《苗族史诗》三语翻译刍论[J]. 吴一方. 贵州民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2013(04)
[7]苗族诗歌理论探微——兼谈苗族民歌的分类与功能[J]. 李佳. 贵阳学院学报(社会科学版). 2013(03)
[8]苗族古歌研究百年回眸[J]. 龙仙艳. 贵州社会科学. 2012(09)
[9]苗族诗歌中的兴观群怨[J]. 吴一方. 贵州民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版). 2011(05)
[10]生态翻译学的研究焦点与理论视角[J]. 胡庚申. 中国翻译. 2011(02)
【文章页数】:159 页
1. Task Description
1.1 Task Background
1.2 Linguistic Characteristics
2. Process Description
2.1 Pre-translation
2.2 During Translation
2.3 Post-translation
3. Literature Review
3.1 Studies on Miao Ancient Songs
3.2 Studies on the Translation of Miao Ancient Songs
3.3 Studies on Eco-translatology
3.3.1 Studies on Eco-translatology at Home
3.3.2 Studies on Eco-translatology Abroad
4. Theoretical Foundations
4.1 The Origin of Eco-translatology
4.2 Main Concepts in Eco-translatology
4.2.1 Translational Eco-environment
4.2.2 Adaptation and Selection in Translation Process
4.2.3 Translator-centeredness
4.2.4 Three Dimensional Transformations
5. Case Study
5.1 Translation Difficulties
5.1.1 Difficulties at the Linguistic Level
5.1.2 Difficulties at the Cultural Level
5.1.3 Difficulties at the Communicative Level
5.2 Translation Methods
5.2.1 Selection from the Linguistic Dimension
5.2.2 Selection from the Cultural Dimension
5.2.3 Selection from the Communicative Dimension
6. Conclusion
6.1 Summary
6.2 Limitations
Works Cited
Appendix 1: The Source Text
Appendix 2: The Target Text
[1]汉语流水句的空间性特质[J]. 王文斌,赵朝永. 外语研究. 2016(04)
[2]英汉语言差异引起的常见英汉翻译问题评价[J]. 李雯. 山东农业工程学院学报. 2016(09)
[3]英汉语显隐性对比——以习近平主席新年贺词为例[J]. 王素娥. 现代语文(学术综合版). 2016(09)
[4]《苗族史诗》汉译与英译的若干问题——《苗族史诗》汉文译注者吴一文教授访谈录[J]. 吴一文,刘雪芹. 燕山大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2016(02)
[5]苗族古歌原生态文化视角翻译探究[J]. 李燕娟,杨瑛. 凯里学院学报. 2014(05)
[6]苗族口传文学经典的跨文化传译——《苗族史诗》三语翻译刍论[J]. 吴一方. 贵州民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2013(04)
[7]苗族诗歌理论探微——兼谈苗族民歌的分类与功能[J]. 李佳. 贵阳学院学报(社会科学版). 2013(03)
[8]苗族古歌研究百年回眸[J]. 龙仙艳. 贵州社会科学. 2012(09)
[9]苗族诗歌中的兴观群怨[J]. 吴一方. 贵州民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版). 2011(05)
[10]生态翻译学的研究焦点与理论视角[J]. 胡庚申. 中国翻译. 2011(02)