发布时间:2017-07-07 15:04
【摘要】:美国学者芮效卫翻译的The Plum in the Golden Vase是《金瓶梅》最新的全五卷英译本,第五卷于2013年出版。该译本是芮效卫倾力30年的巨作,被认为是《金瓶梅》迄今为止最完整的翻译。它最大限度地保留了原作特征,并在文后附加大量注释。这些注释构成了该译本最显著的特征,并体现出“厚翻译”的翻译策略。 厚翻译是美国学者安东尼·阿皮尔在1993年发表的“厚翻译”一文中提出的理论。该理论主要提倡通过注释、评注等方法将文本置于丰富的文化和语言环境中,目的在于促进目标语读者对源语文化和不同文化背景下人们的思维表达方式更充分的理解和更深切的尊重。它重视文字意图,并强调在翻译中保留源语的特征。该理论对文学翻译,尤其是传统文学作品的翻译具有重要意义。 本文拟以厚翻译理论为视角对The Plum in the Golden Vase进行翻译特征分析,具体分类考察了译本中的注释,并取埃杰顿的翻译与之比较,进一步突显芮译在运用注释和保留原作形式方面的特点。分析表明,芮译中注释的主要对象是译者认为包含在原作中的引用材料,主要方式是对这些材料进行源头追溯和文献罗列,但也不乏对其译文的解释和补充。与芮译不同,埃译几乎不含注释,而且在诗歌翻译和章节标题的处理上做了极大的变动。相比埃译,芮译极大限度地表现出了对原作内容和形式的双重保留。
【关键词】:金瓶梅 芮效卫 厚翻译 注释
- Acknowledgements5-6
- 摘要6-7
- Abstract7-8
- Contents8-10
- List of Tables10-11
- Chapter 1 Introduction11-15
- 1.1 Research Background11-13
- 1.2 Research Purpose and Significance13-14
- 1.3 Organization of the Thesis14-15
- Chapter 2 Literature Review15-29
- 2.1 Researches on Chin P'ing Meiand its Translated Versions15-23
- 2.1.1 Chin P'ing Mei and its Translated Versions15-18
- 2.1.2 David Tod Roy and The Plum in the Golden Vase18-20
- 2.1.3 Previous Researches on English Translations of Chin P'ing Mei20-23
- 2.2 Researches on Thick Translation23-27
- 2.2.1 Previous Researches on Thick Translation Abroad23-24
- 2.2.2 Previous Researches on Thick Translation in China24-27
- 2.3 Summary27-29
- Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework and Research Methodology29-33
- 3.1 Theoretical Framework29-31
- 3.1.1 The Concept of Thick Translation29-31
- 3.1.2 Theoretical and Practical Significance of Thick Translation31
- 3.2 Research Methodology31-33
- Chapter 4 Thick Translation in The Plum in the Golden Vase33-70
- 4.1 David Tod Roy's Translation Philosophy and Thick Translation33-36
- 4.1.1 Highlighting Differences33-34
- 4.1.2 Identifying the Author's Intentions34-35
- 4.1.3 Using Annotations35-36
- 4.2 Annotations in The Plum in the Golden Vase36-60
- 4.2.1 Supplementary Materials36-39
- 4.2.2 Notes39-58
- Notes on Four-character Expression41-45
- Notes on Songs/Poetry and Proverbial Saying45-50
- Notes on Common Expression50-53
- Notes on People and Place53-54
- Notes on Wordplay54-58
- 4.2.3 Analysis of Notes in General58-60
- 4.3 Comparison Between The Golden Lotus and The Plum in the Golden Vase60-68
- 4.3.1 Comparison of Annotations60-63
- 4.3.2 Comparison of Poems63-65
- 4.3.3 Comparison of Chapter Titles65-68
- 4.4 Summary68-70
- Chapter 5 Conclusion70-73
- 5.1 Major Findings of the Present Study70-71
- 5.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Research71-73
- Bibliography73-78
- Appendix78-80
中国期刊全文数据库 前8条
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8 周方珠;;厚翻译述评[J];宿州学院学报;2011年01期