本文选题:村上春树 切入点:《1Q84》 出处:《华中师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:村上春树(Haruki Murakami,1949—),日本著名小说家,欧美文学翻译家,其小说在国内外均负有盛名。他的文字刻画了日本这个后工业社会里的世间百态,细腻地描绘了处于高度发达的资本主义之中日本人的孤独和迷惘。时至今日,村上春树已成为日本当代文学中不可或缺的一名小说家。 本文的绪论部分主要介绍了村上春树的生平、创作概况、获奖情况、《1Q84》的主要内容和创作动机,描述并分析、总结了国内外村上春树整体研究现状和《1Q84》研究现状。笔者发现,此前的研究只有少数文章涉及村上作品中的日本文学传统因素,而对于村上的新作《1Q84》的研究目前还处于起步阶段。因而本文以村上春树最新的长篇小说《1Q84》为切入点,分析了这部小说中存在的日本文学传统因素和后现代特征以及出现这两种因素杂糅的原因,旨在挖掘出《1Q84》较之村上春树以往作品的突破,该突破表现在题材的拓展、日本文学传统因素的增多和村上的文学使命感增强三个方面,从这些突破可以看出村上春树在创作理念和创作手法上的转变。 第一章主要分析了《1Q84》中的日本文学的传统因素,包括《1Q84》中的物哀美、日本家庭主题、性描写和细腻的细节描写这四个部分。村上春树历来被看作是后现代作家,国内外对其人其作的分析也集中在后现代这一块,但是村上春树近年来在创作中越来越看重日本文学传统因素,《1Q84》就体现了这一点,所以本文选取了《1Q84》中最能凸显日本文学传统因素的四个点来进行分析,并由此看出村上春树在创作上的转变。 第二章主要分析《1Q84》中的后现代特征,包括自我分裂的小说人物、善与恶的“不确定性”、后现代的艺术技巧和介于精英文学与大众文学之间这四个特征。《1Q84》延续了村上春树以往的一些创作手法,它仍然具有大量的后现代元素,本文选取了最能体现出这部小说后现代特征的四个方面展开论述。 第三章分析了《1Q84》出现日本文学传统因素与后现代特征杂糅的原因。一方面在于日本后工业社会对《1Q84》的影响,主要是指高度发达的资本主义和消费主义对日本人价值观的影响以及对作家创作的影响。另一方面在于村上春树的双重写作身份,作为一名游走在中西方文化之间的作家,村上春树有着日本传统文化的精神内核,也吸取了西方文学的创作手法,这是造成《1Q84》出现杂糅的另一个原因。 结语概括全文,指出了《1Q84》较之村上春树以往作品的突破从这些突破中可以看出村上春树在创作理念和创作手法上的转变。结语也指出了《1Q84》存在的局限与不足,例如村上在书中模糊了善与恶的界限,书中的细节描写在某些地方过于繁复,语言不够简练,等等。本文认为,村上春树创作《1Q84》的目的在于借用文学之力去抗衡恶势力,拯救处于封闭世界的人们。
[Abstract]:Haruki Murakamiki Murakamito, a famous Japanese novelist and translator of European and American literature, is famous both at home and abroad. His writings portray the world in Japan, a post-industrial society. It depicts the solitude and confusion of the Japanese in the highly developed capitalism. To this day, Murakami has become an indispensable novelist in contemporary Japanese literature. The introduction of this paper mainly introduces Murakami's life, creation, award-winning situation, the main content and motivation of < 1Q84 >, describes and analyzes, summarizes the whole research situation of Murakami and < 1Q84 >. Only a small number of previous studies have dealt with the traditional factors of Japanese literature in Murakami's works, while the study of Murakami's new work < 1Q84 > is still in its infancy. Therefore, this paper starts with Murakami's latest novel < 1Q84 >. This paper analyzes the traditional and postmodern features of Japanese literature in this novel and the reasons for the mixture of these two factors. The purpose of this paper is to find out the breakthrough of < 1Q84 > compared with Murakami's previous works, which is manifested in the expansion of the subject matter. The increase of the traditional factors of Japanese literature and the strengthening of Murakami's sense of literary mission can be seen from these breakthroughs in the creative ideas and techniques of Murakami's transformation. The first chapter mainly analyzes the traditional factors of Japanese literature in < 1Q84 >, including such four parts as the sentimental beauty in < 1Q84 >, the theme of the Japanese family, the sexual description and the delicate detail description. Haruki Murakami has always been regarded as a postmodern writer. The analysis of his works at home and abroad is also concentrated on the post modernism, but Murakami has paid more and more attention to the traditional factors of Japanese literature in recent years, which is reflected in < 1Q84 >. So this paper selects the four points of < 1Q84 > which can highlight the traditional factors of Japanese literature to analyze, and from this we can see the transformation of Murakami's creation. The second chapter mainly analyzes the postmodern features of < 1Q84 >, including the self-divided characters. The "uncertainty" of good and evil, the post-modern artistic skills and the four characteristics between elite literature and popular literature. < 1Q84 > continues some of Murakami's previous creative techniques, and it still has a large number of post-modern elements. This article selects four aspects that best reflect the postmodern features of the novel. The third chapter analyzes the reasons why the traditional factors of Japanese literature and the features of postmodernism are mixed up in < 1Q84 >, on the one hand, the influence of Japanese post-industrial society on < 1Q84 >, It mainly refers to the influence of highly developed capitalism and consumerism on Japanese values and writers' creation. On the other hand, Murakami's dual writing identity, as a writer wandering between Chinese and Western cultures, Haruki Murakami has the spiritual core of Japanese traditional culture, and also absorbs the creative techniques of western literature, which is another reason for the hybridity of < 1Q84 >. The conclusion summarizes the full text, points out the breakthrough of < 1Q84 > compared with Murakami's previous works. From these breakthroughs, we can see the transformation of Murakami's creative ideas and techniques. The conclusion also points out the limitations and shortcomings of < 1Q84 >. For example, Murakami blurs the line between good and evil in his book, the details in the book are too complicated in some places, and the language is not concise enough, and so on. This paper argues that Murakami's purpose in creating < 1Q84 is to use the power of literature to counteract evil forces. Save the people in the closed world.
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