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发布时间:2018-03-30 07:01

  本文选题:玛格丽特·德拉布尔 切入点:《灰蛾》 出处:《上海外国语大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:玛格丽特·德拉布尔(1939—)是一名活跃在当代英国文坛的重要女性作家。早年作品被认为是女权主义小说的典范,颇受批评界关注。七十年代末开始,她的小说创作明显偏离女权主义路线,开始在现实主义传统的框架下进行小说实验。《灰蛾》是她进入新千年后所发表的小说作品中,最少受到批评关注的一部。本文致力于剖析《灰蛾》中最显著的艺术特征及创作手法“隐喻性互文”,即小说的虚构文本与其他文本紧密关联,形成庞大的隐喻架构;这种隐喻及互文关系相互依存,互为一体,成就小说内涵。在《灰蛾》中,此特征主要表现在“灰蛾”这一喻体的巧妙使用。 本文在简要介绍德拉布尔的现实主义小说实验后,着手阐述她在《灰蛾》中所作的重要突破——“隐喻性互文”的巧妙运用。论文参考里法泰尔对互文过程的解释,首先对隐喻关系中的“目标域”进行探究,梳理了灰蛾现象的发展脉络,并阐释了其背后备受争议的进化论内涵,试图展现与小说虚构文本紧密相联的生态学文本。接着,参照该互文文本,论文从人生的发展模式和人类的焦虑两方面,细致分析文本涵义,试图论证互文文本与源域μ小说虚构文本之间的隐喻关系。至此,小说中内含的“隐喻性互文”特征得到显现。最后,论文着重分析该手法的运用及其主要特点,,并得出结论:玛格丽特·德拉布尔在《灰蛾》中对“隐喻性互文”的运用独具匠心,凸显了其现实主义小说实验的成功性,是当代英国小说家对现实主义创作传统之出路的又一次具有代表性的探索。
[Abstract]:Margaret Drabble is an important female writer active in contemporary English literary circles. Her early works are regarded as a model of feminist novels and have attracted much attention from the critics. Since the late 1970s, Her novel creation deviated obviously from the feminist line and began to carry out novel experiments within the framework of realistic tradition. "Grey Moth" is the novel she published after entering the new millennium. This paper is devoted to the analysis of the most prominent artistic features and creative techniques of "metaphorical intertextuality", that is, the fictional text of the novel is closely related to other texts and forms a huge metaphorical framework. This kind of metaphor and intertextuality depend on each other and form one another, which makes the novel intension. In "Grey Moth", this feature is mainly manifested in the clever use of "Grey Moth" as a vehicle. After a brief introduction to Drabble's realistic novel experiment, this paper begins to explain her important breakthrough in Grey Moth, the clever use of metaphorical intertextuality, and refers to Rifattel's explanation of the intertextuality process. This paper first explores the "target domain" in the metaphorical relationship, combs the developmental context of the grey moth phenomenon, explains the controversial connotation of evolution behind it, and tries to show the ecological text closely related to the fictional text of the novel. Referring to the intertextuality, this paper analyzes the meaning of the text from two aspects: the development mode of life and the anxiety of human beings, and tries to demonstrate the metaphorical relationship between the intertextuals and the fictional texts of the source domain 渭. The features of metaphorical intertextuality are revealed in the novel. Finally, the paper focuses on the application of the technique and its main characteristics. It is concluded that Margaret Drabble's use of metaphorical intertextuality in Grey Moth shows the success of her realistic novel experiment. It is another representative exploration of the tradition of realistic creation by contemporary British novelists.


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