本文选题:儿童文学 切入点:寓言 出处:《河北师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:埃尔温布鲁克斯, E.B.怀特(1899.7.11—1985.10.1),美国作家。著有为孩子写的非常有名的《夏洛特的网》《斯图尔特》等。这部小说描述了一个小女孩如何救下一头小猪,农场里的所有动物实际上受到了蜘蛛夏洛特的影响,而夏洛特却为救小猪付出了生命,从而凸显了主题——面对生与死的纠结时,爱与友谊的力量何其强大。 本文用研究儿童文学特点的方法研究了其在写作上的特点,本文结构如下。除了简介,本论文由三章构成。第一章主要探讨了寓言特征的运用。其中包括了寓言性的人物、寓言性的情节和寓言性的背景设置。第二章主要探讨幻想手法和现实运用的互相交织。突出的特点是现实场景和卡通人物的结合、动物的拟人和儿童式的幽默。。第三章基于前面的写作技巧,重点剖析对于道德的说教以及挖掘出的社会良知。爱与友谊是最重要的永恒主题;探讨了儿童的心理成长;揭示出了从儿童角度审视的生与死的话题。在结论部分很清晰的突出了正是爱与友谊将死转化为生。随着生的希望的实现,不管是人还是卡通人物,共同将主题升华。随着儿童的心理成长,成人也找到了恰当的方式来审视自己的内心,对爱有了更多的感悟,从而被深深影响。 这篇论文旨在从儿童文学的角度阐释这篇小说的特点。E.B.怀特运用他特有的描述儿童文学的写作手法,更重要的是,他以一种巧妙且出人意料的方式讲述了一个动人的故事。作者带领读者在现实与寓言性的世界里自由穿梭。同时,这篇论文更多的关注了怀特通过一个完美的动物世界对于人类和这个物欲横流的社会的讽刺。毫不夸张的说,讽刺充满了每个典型的画面,警示人们在世俗的生活中缺少的东西。因此,这篇论文指出了人类与自然和谐和更多审视人类天然灵魂的必要性。这部小说很简单,,但是它所透出的道理却令人深思:人类应该向动物学习。
[Abstract]:Erwin Brooks, E. B.Whitehead, 1899.7.11-1985.10.1, American writer.Author of the famous Charlotte website for children, Stewart et al.The novel describes how a little girl saved a pig, and all the animals on the farm were actually affected by Charlotte the spider, who gave her life to save the pig.This highlights the theme-how powerful the power of love and friendship is in the face of life and death.This paper studies the writing characteristics of children's literature by means of studying its characteristics, and the structure of this paper is as follows.In addition to a brief introduction, this paper consists of three chapters.The first chapter mainly discusses the use of fable features.It includes fable characters, allegory plots and fable background settings.The second chapter mainly discusses the interweaving of fantasy techniques and the application of reality.The outstanding features are the combination of realistic scenes and cartoon characters, the humanoid and childlike humor of animals.The third chapter focuses on moral preaching and social conscience based on the previous writing techniques.Love and friendship are the most important eternal themes; the psychological growth of children is discussed; and the topic of life and death from the perspective of children is revealed.In the conclusion it is clear that it is love and friendship that turn death into a living.With the realization of hope, both human and cartoon characters, sublimate the theme.As children grow up, adults find the right way to look inside and feel more about love and are deeply influenced.The purpose of this paper is to explain the characteristics of the novel from the perspective of children's literature.White uses his unique way of describing children's literature and, more importantly, tells a moving story in an ingenious and unexpected way.The author leads the reader to travel freely in the world of reality and fable.At the same time, this paper focuses more on White's satire on human beings and this material-lust society through a perfect animal world.It is no exaggeration to say that satire is filled with every typical picture, warning of what is missing in worldly life.Therefore, this paper points out the necessity of harmony between man and nature and more examination of human natural soul.The novel is simple, but what it reveals is thought-provoking: humans should learn from animals.
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