发布时间:2018-04-17 16:52
本文选题:D.H.劳伦斯 + 存在性不安 ; 参考:《重庆大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:劳伦斯的代表作《恋爱中的女人》以其复杂、独创的主题和艺术技巧,吸引了世界各地的评论者对其作出多方位的解读。本论文借助存在心理学家莱恩的“存在性不安”概念对小说中主要人物赫麦妮,伯金和杰拉尔德反常的心理和动作行为进行重新审视,从而揭示劳伦斯对“自我存在”这一问题的探索。 研究表明,劳伦斯喜欢洞察人的内心及人与他人的关系。在《恋爱中的女人》里,他关注了赫麦妮,伯金和杰拉尔德反常、复杂而矛盾的内心世界与外部行为:一方面,他们觉得生命不真实、无生气,空虚而无力,疯狂而急切地与他人联系,只有与他人的联系才能填补内心的虚无感;另一方面,在与他人的接触中,他们总是担忧和害怕对方摧毁和剥夺自己的完整存在,,即个体的身份性和自主性,因而常常采取破坏性的方式来攻击对方—或视对方为物体、东西或没有思想和感情的木头人;或控制、淹没对方,剥夺对方的身份性和自主性;甚至杀死对方。直至对方身心备受摧残,他们才获取片刻的存在感。这三位主人公与他人的关系一直处在摇摆中,伴随着无休止的争吵与互相攻击,无法达到平衡。 在整篇小说中,赫麦妮与杰拉尔德自始至终都采取这种破坏性的方式对待他人,特别是他们的恋人,企图剥夺恋人独立的身份性与自主性,与对方的关系处于对峙状态。最后,赫麦妮与恋人伯金决裂,生命又沦为虚无;杰拉尔德则更为悲惨,当同样争强好胜喜欢驾驭别人的恋人古德伦最终对他冷淡并抛弃他时,他感到整个自我崩溃,即刻化为“零”,此刻他试图掐死她,希冀通过剥夺她的生命、夺走她的自我存在来弥补虚无。但他最终松开了手,独自一人绝望地驰向雪山深处,被寒冷吞没。伯金是唯一走出类似悲剧的人。这得益于第二个恋人厄秀拉和他的争辩,让他对“自我存在”的思考愈发明了。他珍视个人独特的自主性和身份性,提出以“星际平衡”原则处理人与人的关系,逐渐摆脱了心身分离的状态。与赫麦妮、杰拉尔德总是试图抹杀他人自主性与身份性来弥补自我存在真实感的破坏性方式相比,伯金的恋爱则体现了他不断追求自我与他人身份性与自主性独立化、个体化的积极性探索。在小说的结尾,尽管伯金在根本上并没有取得彻底的自我身份性与独立性,但是他仍为寻求完善自我的人提供了出路。 根据莱恩“存在性不安”的概念,可以看出赫麦妮、伯金和杰拉尔德是“存在性不安”个体——没有完整的自我存在或者说没有真实稳固的身份性与自主性。这种缺乏“存在性安全感”的人与他人接触,总会采取极端或破坏性的方式(绝决的自我孤立、吞没、非人化他人)来证明和保全自我的存在。后果是他们只会越来越偏离正常的生活。 劳伦斯通过对赫麦妮、伯金和杰拉尔德的刻画,特别是伯金,探索了人类寻求完整自我存在的方式,即在人与人的接触中,只有彼此保全自己并尊重他人的自主性与身份性,彼此的关系才能和谐、健康、长久。
[Abstract]:In this paper , the author tries to reveal Lawrence ' s exploration of the problem of " self - existence " .
The study shows that Lawrence likes to penetrate the heart of a person and his relationship with others . In a woman in love , he is concerned about the abnormal , complex and ambivalent internal and external behaviors of Hemmie , Burkin and Gerald : on the one hand , they feel that life is not true , angry , empty and powerless , crazy and eager to contact others , and only contact with others can fill the inner emptiness ;
On the other hand , in the contact with others , they are always worried and afraid of the other party to destroy and deprive them of their complete existence , i.e . identity and autonomy of the individual , and thus often take a destructive way to attack the other person - - or view the other person as an object , something , or a wooden person without thought and feeling ;
or control , overwhelm the other party , deprive the other party of the identity and autonomy ;
Even killing each other until the other side ' s physical and psychological well - being , they acquire a moment of existence . The three heroines and others have been rocking , with endless quarrel and mutual attack , unable to reach a balance .
In the whole novel , Hmunia and Gerald took this devastating way to treat others , especially their lovers , in an attempt to deny the identity and autonomy of the lover , and to face each other ' s relationship . At last , Hemmie broke with a lover , and life was reduced to nothing ;
Gerald was more miserable . He felt the whole self - collapse , instantly converted to " zero " when he tried to strangle the relationship between man and man by depriving her life of his self - existence .
According to the concept of " existence of sexual distress " in Ryan , it can be seen that the existence or absence of a complete self - existence , or lack of real and firm identity and autonomy , is the existence or absence of a complete self - existence or lack of real stability . Such a lack of " presence security " is always in an extreme or destructive manner ( absolute self - isolation , annexation , non - humanization ) to justify and preserve the existence of self . The consequence is that they are only becoming increasingly deviating from normal life .
Laurence explores the way human beings seek a complete self - existence through the characterization of Hemmie , Burkin and Gerald , that is , in the people ' s contact with each other , only to preserve themselves and to respect the autonomy and identity of others , so that their relations can be harmonious , healthy and long .
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