发布时间:2018-06-20 16:38
本文选题:《时时刻刻》 + 迈克尔·坎宁安 ; 参考:《河南大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:《时时刻刻》是美国当代作家迈克尔·坎宁安的代表作。该作品以弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的小说《达洛威夫人》为线索,叙述了不同时代的三位女性——弗吉尼亚、劳拉、克拉丽莎一天的波折生活。这部小说情感充沛、语言细腻,一经出版,就颇受欢迎,获1998年笔会/福克纳奖及1999年普利策小说奖。2002年,《时时刻刻》又被改编为同名电影,获第60届金球奖最佳电影奖。这部小说奠定了迈克尔·坎宁安在美国文坛的重要地位。 国内外的文学评论家和学者从多个角度评析了小说《时时刻刻》及其改编电影,如主题分析、心理分析、女性主义、后现代主义及电影改编等,而目前还很少有从空间理论对其进行的研究。人们生活在空间中,无时无刻不在参与空间性的建构。空间形式不可避免地会对人们的生活产生方方面面的影响。 本论文即尝试藉格奥尔格·西美尔的空间文化理论分析小说《时时刻刻》。全文分为六个部分,引言、四章正文及结论。 引言包括作家、作品简介,文献综述,进而指出本文研究意义:借助西美尔的空间文化理论分析小说主要人物的城市空间生存境况,产生此种境况的原因,以及可能的自我救赎方式,从而探讨该小说的核心问题,人究竟该如何作为才是尊重自己的生命? 第一章是全文的理论基础。西美尔的空间理论指出,都市空间是现代性体验和心性质态的集中表现场所。现代都市生活体验的总体特征是生命感觉的萎缩。造成这一现象的原因可从空间的三个属性,边界、固定性及距离来寻找。边界代表相互的心理限制;固定性反映了控制和服从的关系;距离,提升到审美高度,体现了对生活的一种诗意追求。而种种限制与对诗意自由的追寻就导致了现代个体的压抑与萎靡。那么,救赎的道路何在?因为从根本上讲,空间是心灵的一种活动,是生命的拓展和延伸,所以也只有从生命本身入手,也许才可能走出上述困境。而从某种程度上讲,死亡与生命不可分割,是对生命的鉴别与扬弃,也是生命的自我超越。因此,作为生命超越的“死亡”,就成了摆脱生命感觉萎缩的可能的救赎出路之一。 第二章具体分析了主要人物的生存境况。小说主要人物的生存状况具有相似性与典型性,如理性至上、厌世、自我隐退及冒险。他们的生活已变成了一种例行习惯,看似完美充裕,实则了无生趣、备受压抑,生命感觉日益萎缩。他们生活在城市,却又不属于城市,是现代都市中的异乡人。 第三章藉空间形式的三个基本属性探讨造成主要人物生存境况的原因。房子是“边界”的具体表现形式,故事中的主要人物住在各自牢笼似的房子或公寓内,房子无形中成为他们心灵的障碍物;生活空间内容的“固定性”具有高于其他事务的至高权力,于是故事中的主要角色不得不服从于他们生活中的固定内容并时时被其控制、支配;“距离”使人们远离当下的生活,从而提供了一种对生活进行诗意解读的视角。小说的主要人物都拥有强烈的诗性情结,他们有梦想,关注自己的精神诉求,“站”在普通大众的另一边,敏锐觉察出,正是现实生活与精神世界的脱节导致了他们的痛苦及萎靡的生命感觉。 第四章从死亡的角度探讨主要人物最终的自我救赎方式。生命的本质追求实质上是一种不断的自我更新与自我超越,以获得大的、更大的以及新的、更新的精神心灵空间。死亡作为生命本身的重要元素,也是生命自我超越的一种形式,是一种可能的摆脱生命感觉萎缩的救赎出路。主要人物中,弗吉尼亚和理查德以自杀的方式结束了生命,劳拉虽放弃自杀却最终弃绝了既有的平稳生活,克拉莉莎目睹了理查德的死亡。也就是说,他们的人生命运都与死亡发生了千丝万缕的联系,通过亲历死亡、逃避死亡或直面死亡,他们把自己从痛苦和折磨中拯救出来,并对生活生命有所顿悟。 综合以上分析和讨论,结论部分指出,小说《时时刻刻》虽处处充满对绝望、痛苦甚至死亡的描写,却并非一部绝望、痛苦和死亡情调的作品。相反,它包含着巨大鲜活的生命气息。作品中所有人物看似不同的作为实际全部来自他们各自对生活的热爱,尤其是对自己生命的尊重——直面自己生活的苦痛,敢于与不完满的生活斩断联系,去追寻自己定义中的诗意生命。于是,无论他们是选择继续还是结束生命,他们都完成了生命的自我超越。也就是说,藉空间理论的观照,,《时时刻刻》显露出了它审视生命的别样视角:了解生命、热爱生命、敢于与自己不喜欢的生命形式分道扬镳并掌控自己生命的何去何从——这也许才是对自己生命的最大尊重。
[Abstract]:"All the time," is the masterpiece of Michael Cunningham, a contemporary American writer. The novel, with the clue of Virginia Woolf's novel Madame darling, describes three women of different times, Virginia, Lara, and Clarissa. The novel is full of emotion, language and publication. Welcome, won the 1998 pen / Faulkner award and the Pulitzer prize for Fiction in 1999.2002 years, "always > has been adapted into a film of the same name, won the sixtieth Golden Globe Award for best film award. The novel has laid an important position of Michael Cunningham in the history of American literature.
Literary critics and scholars at home and abroad have reviewed and analyzed the novels of the novels, such as theme analysis, psychoanalysis, feminism, postmodernism and film adaptation from a number of angles, and few studies have been carried out from space theory at present. The form of space inevitably affects all aspects of people's lives.
This paper attempts to analyze Georg Simmel's theory of space culture, which is divided into six parts, the introduction, the four chapter, the main body and the conclusion.
The introduction includes a writer, a brief introduction and a literature review, and then points out the significance of this article: the analysis of the living situation of the urban space of the main characters of the novel by the aid of Simmel's space culture theory, the causes of this situation, and the possible way of self redemption, so as to discuss the core issue of the novel, and how the human being should be respected as the only one. The life of your own?
The first chapter is the theoretical basis of the full text. The space theory of Simmel points out that the urban space is the concentrated expression place of the modern experience and the qualitative state of the heart. The general characteristic of the modern urban life experience is the shrinking of the feeling of life. The cause of this phenomenon can be found from the three attributes, boundaries, fixity and distance of the space. Mutual psychological restrictions; fixity reflects the relationship of control and obedience; distance, rising to the aesthetic level, embodies a poetic pursuit of life. And the restrictions and the pursuit of poetic freedom lead to the suppression and depressing of modern individuals. Then, what is the way of redemption? Because, fundamentally, space is a kind of mind. Activity is the expansion and extension of life, so it may only start from the life itself, perhaps out of the above predicament. To a certain extent, death is inseparable from life, is the identification and abandonment of life, but also the self transcendence of life. Therefore, as the "death" exceeding the life, it becomes the possibility of getting rid of the feeling of life atrophy. One of the ways to redeem it.
The second chapter analyzes the living conditions of the main characters. The living conditions of the main characters of the novel are similar and typical, such as rationality supremacy, weariness, self retreat and adventure. Their life has become a routine, seemingly perfect and abundant, but in fact, it is uninteresting, repressed, and the feeling of life is shrinking. They live in the city. The city, however, does not belong to the city. It is a stranger in the modern city.
The third chapter discusses the reasons for the survival of the main characters by the three basic attributes of the space form. The house is the concrete manifestation of the "boundary", the main characters in the story live in the houses or apartments of their own cage. The house is a barrier to their mind, and the "fixity" of the content of living space is higher than that. The supreme power of other affairs, so the main characters in the story have to be subordinated to the fixed content of their lives and have been controlled and controlled at the time. "Distance" keeps people away from the present life, thus providing a poetic interpretation of life. The main characters of the novel have a strong poetic complex, they have Dream, pay attention to the spiritual pursuit. They stand on the other side of the general public, aware, it is out of real life and spiritual world leads to pain and malaise of their life feeling.
The fourth chapter discusses the ultimate self redemption of the main characters from the point of death. The essential pursuit of life is essentially a continuous self renewal and self transcendence to gain large, larger, new and renewed spiritual space. Death is an important element of life itself and a form of self transcendence of life, A possible way out of the redemption of life shrunk. Among the main figures, Virginia and Richard ended their lives by suicide, and Lara, who gave up suicide, finally abandoned both the stable life, and carat Lisa witnessed the death of Richard. That is to say, the fate of his life was all with death. By touching death, escaping from death or facing death directly, they rescued themselves from pain and suffering and had some insight into life and life.
On the basis of the above analysis and discussion, the conclusion points out that the novel < times > is full of description of despair, pain and even death, but it is not a work of despair, pain and death. On the contrary, it contains a great and vivid breath of life. All the characters in the work seem to have all come from their own life as reality. The love of living, especially the respect for one's own life - faces the pain of his own life, dares to cut off with the unfinished life, and seeks the poetic life of his own definition. So, whether they choose to continue or end their lives, they have accomplished their own transcendence. That is to say, by the view of space theory, < at times. Always show different view > it examines the life: to understand life, love life, love your life and don't dare to take control of their lives and form part company each going his own way -- perhaps this is to decide on what path to follow the greatest respect for their lives.
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