[Abstract]:The Industrial Revolution changed not only the face of the world, but also the relationship between man and nature. From the crazy pursuit of economic interests, mankind began to plunder, hatred and disregard for nature. The relationship between man and nature has deteriorated sharply and led to a global ecological crisis. In the seventies of the 20th century, the United States developed a literary criticism tide of combining literature and ecology, and based on text to re-examine the relationship between man and nature. It matured in the mid-1990s. Then because of its rich and profound content rapidly developed into an international multicultural movement. Review of literary and cultural classics is one of its important topics. With the development of cultural exchange, ecological criticism spreads to China and forms the trend of literary criticism. The American novelist Herman Melville's masterpiece Moby Dick in the 19th century not only exposed the tension between man and nature but also a cautionary work of ecological tragic prophecy. In this paper, the ecological connotation of the novel is systematically analyzed from the perspective of ecological criticism, and the anti-ecological factors are revealed. By analyzing the natural consciousness of the main characters and the awakening of ecological responsibility, the author finds out the ideological root of ecological crisis: anthropocentrism. By re-examining the anti-ecological literary classics, it is helpful to further excavate the modern value of this work, and at the same time to arouse the consciousness of environmental protection of human beings, in order to warn us that we should step out of the misunderstandings of anthropocentrism and fear life. Respect nature and return to nature.
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