[Abstract]:Harper Lee (1926 -) is a successful American woman writer. She inherited the American Southern literary tradition and recreated the tragic situation of black people in the 1930 s. Based on the postcolonial theories of Farnon, Foucault, said and HomiBaba, the thesis attempts to analyze the novel from the perspective of post-colonialism. Harper Lee was regarded as one of the most important writers in the South in the early 1960 s. She was influenced by other Southern writers, William Cuthbert Faulkner, Robert Payne Warren and Thomas Wolfe, It inherits the American southern literary tradition and reproduces the tragic situation of the black Americans in the southern region in the 1930s. It breaks through the southern tradition and makes efforts to rebuild the southern social and cultural identity. In the novel, different white people in the town of Mercomm deal with black people and racial prejudice does great harm to black people. But Harper Lee is a white writer, and in her narration of the living conditions of black people, she also unconsciously reveals the superiority of white people. The novel begins with the story of white Arthur, interspersing the wrongs of black Tom. In the end, Arthur kills the brother and sister of Jim in order to hurt the brother and sister Evell, the novel finally presents a perfect ending, the whole novel inadvertently presents the white-dominated story. Based on the false accusation of black Tom, chef Carl Bonnier and Sheila, it can be seen that blacks are just white adjuncts, who are in the position of "the other" in race, culture and identity, and are oppressed and oppressed by white people. With regard to eliminating racial discrimination and changing the living conditions of black people, she suggested that in a society ruled by white people, blacks are submissive and undereducated and can only rely on the protection of whites. All that a black man can do is to wait for the white man's conscience and redemption. Harper Lee combines the growth of white children with the promotion of the moral return of Southern society, helping them to complete their personal identity in the process of growing up. Meanwhile, Harper Lee criticized the ugliness of the old history of the American South. The author points out that the southern society has a positive side in the process of reconstruction. From the perspective of children, she expressed her confidence and expectations for the future of the South. She pointed out that the southern society of the United States should be jointly controlled by blacks and whites, and that whites in the South should break away from the old tradition and build a new South with blacks. The children Scott and Jim represent the hope of breaking the traditions of the old South and rebuilding the new South.
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