[Abstract]:Adler is the founder of individual psychology, he divides inferiority complex into inferiority complex and inferiority complex, and inferiority complex is its original concept. Adler believes that everyone has a different degree of inferiority complex, it has a positive impact on individual development. However, serious inferiority complex can develop into inferiority complex, which can cause mental illness, even suicide to obtain physical and mental liberation. However, the individuals who suffer from the inferiority complex, after the experience of life and the transformation of life, the inferiority complex drives the individual to continue to struggle, finally surmount the inferiority complex, so that life can sublimate. Therefore, this paper discusses the positive significance of Adler's inferiority theory to literature from the point of view of literary psychology combined with the life experience and works of some writers. The full text is divided into five parts altogether: introduction, mainly elaborated Adler inferiority complex theory to the literature feasibility, has analyzed the domestic and foreign research present situation of the inferiority complex theory, as well as this thesis main research method and the content, Finally, the academic value and practical significance of this study are analyzed. The first chapter summarizes Adler and the formation of the theory of inferiority complex. The formation of Adler's inferiority theory is closely related to his personal experience and developed on the basis of critically inheriting the philosophy and natural science of Nietzsche Vihenger Darwin and others. Chapter two discusses Adler's inferiority complex theory and its promotion to writer's creation from the angle of creative motivation. First of all, Adler's theory of inferiority complex is summarized. Secondly, it explores the relationship between Adler's inferiority complex theory and the creative motivation of literary creation subject, that is, the author's inferiority complex originates from life and has its realistic basis, such as physiological defects, gender discrimination, social experience and so on. At the same time, the inferiority complex stimulates the writers to create and express their desire, and becomes the motive force of their creation. The third chapter discusses the sublimation significance of Adler's inferiority theory in the process of literary creation. First of all, by comparing Adler's cyclic psychological mechanism of "inferiority complex-compensation" with Freud's "daydream compensation" theory, we discuss its differences and similarities. Taking Jane Austen as an example, the author explains how the writer realizes the psychological demand of compensation in her writing. Secondly, comparing Adler's theory of inferiority complex sublimation with Freud's theory of "sexual instinct sublimation", their views are very different, and take Shi Tiesheng as an example to explain how the writer's inferiority complex sublimates. Chapter four discusses the role of Adler's inferiority complex theory in the analysis of literary works. This chapter uses Adler's inferiority theory to analyze the characters in literary works. First of all, the characters in the interpretive works express their implicit inferiority as the self-esteem of resistance. The French writer Stonda's Red and Black is the best evidence. Secondly, it expounds the psychological pursuit of the characters' superiority in overcoming inferiority complex, taking Jane Austen's Mansfield Manor as an example. In conclusion, Adler's inferiority theory is of extraordinary significance to literature, but the defects of Adler's inferiority complex cannot be ignored, so we must attach great importance to it.
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