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发布时间:2018-11-10 13:34
【摘要】:雷切尔·卡森(1907-1964)是二十世纪美国出色的生态文学作家,因率先致力于环境保护而名誉世界。卡森毕生都致力于自然的描写和环境的保护,特别是对大海的描写更是情有独钟。《我们周围的大海》是卡森的代表作之一,整部作品都致力于描写海洋本身,包括海洋形成的悠久历史,海岛的诞生过程,波浪,潮汐,海底火山等。 本文从生态美学的角度,通过文本细读的方法来挖掘雷切尔·卡森的《我们周围的大海》所蕴含的生态审美意识。生态美学是生态批评的一个重要分支,为生态批评的研究提供了一个新的突破点。生态美学反对审美过程中过分注重艺术的作用,强调生态审美是对整个自然环境的审美。因此生态美学有其特有的审美标准,简称为自然性原则,整体性原则和交融性原则。自然性原则指生态审美旨是欣赏自然本身的美,有关自然性质的科学知识和历史在审美过程中发挥着重要的作用。整体性原则指生态审美应去除人类中心主义并在整个生态系统下来审美。交融性原则要求在审美过程中去除把审美者与审美对象看作二元对立的观点,倡导审美者与审美对象达到相互交融的效果。 本论文共包括六个部分:引言,正文四章和结论。引言简要介绍了卡森的生平及其作品《我们周围的大海》和有关这部作品的文献综述,同时指出本文的写作目的及创新点。第一章是本文的理论基础,详尽阐述了生态美学的主要观点,为本文提供了理论背景。第二、三、四章分别分析生态审美的自然性原则、整体性原则和交融性原则是如何在大海的审美过程中反映出来的。结论部分指出,《我们周围的大海》蕴含了雷切尔·卡森的生态美学意识。卡森认为,大海的审美是建立在了解大海科学知识和历史的真实基础上的审美;大海的审美是建立在生态整体和谐稳定基础上的的审美;大海的审美是建立在审美者和大海高度融合基础上的审美。 本文的研究具有一定的理论和现实意义。本文对生态美学的审美标准进行了介绍,并从生态审美的角度探讨《我们周围的大海》,为《我们周围的大海》的研究提供了一个全新的视角。同时本文还能帮助我们更好地了解卡森的作品及其作品中所蕴含的生态审美意识,为我们与大海的相处提供了一定的建议,从而能真正实现我们与大海的和谐与交融。
[Abstract]:Rachel Carson (1907-1964) is an outstanding American ecological literature writer in the 20 ~ (th) century. Carson devoted his life to the description of nature and the protection of the environment, especially to the sea. The Sea around us is one of Carson's masterpieces, and the whole work is devoted to describing the ocean itself. This includes the long history of ocean formation, the birth of islands, waves, tides, undersea volcanoes, etc. From the perspective of ecological aesthetics, this paper explores the ecological aesthetic consciousness contained in Rachel Carson's the Sea around us. Ecological aesthetics is an important branch of ecological criticism, which provides a new breakthrough point for the study of ecological criticism. Ecological aesthetics opposes the role of art in the aesthetic process and emphasizes that ecological aesthetics is aesthetic to the whole natural environment. Therefore, ecological aesthetics has its own aesthetic standards, referred to as natural principle, integrity principle and blending principle. The principle of nature is to appreciate the beauty of nature itself, and the scientific knowledge and history of nature play an important role in the aesthetic process. The principle of wholeness means that ecological aesthetics should remove anthropocentrism and be aesthetic in the whole ecosystem. The principle of blending requires the removal of the view that the aesthetic person and the aesthetic object are regarded as binary opposites in the aesthetic process, and advocates that the aesthetic person and the aesthetic object achieve the effect of blending each other. This thesis consists of six parts: introduction, four chapters and conclusions. The introduction briefly introduces Carson's life and his works, the Sea around us, and the literature review of this work. At the same time, it points out the purpose and innovation of this paper. The first chapter is the theoretical basis of this paper, elaborated the main viewpoints of ecological aesthetics, provides a theoretical background for this paper. The second, third and fourth chapters respectively analyze the natural principle of ecological aesthetics, the principle of integrity and the principle of blending, which are reflected in the aesthetic process of the sea. The conclusion points out that the sea around us contains Rachel Carson's ecological aesthetic consciousness. Carson holds that the aesthetics of the sea is based on the true understanding of the scientific knowledge and history of the sea, and that the aesthetics of the sea is based on the harmony and stability of the whole ecology. The aesthetic of the sea is based on the combination of the aesthetic and the sea. The research of this paper has certain theoretical and practical significance. This paper introduces the aesthetic standards of ecological aesthetics, and discusses "the Sea around us" from the angle of ecological aesthetics, which provides a new perspective for the study of "the Sea around us". At the same time, this paper can help us to better understand Carson's works and the ecological aesthetic consciousness contained in his works, and provide some suggestions for us to get along with the sea, so that we can truly realize the harmony and harmony with the sea.


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