[Abstract]:John Fowles is a world-famous 20th century English writer whose masterpieces are the Collector, the Wizard and the French Lieutenant's woman. His works are the perfect fusion of philosophy and literature, and the mutual reference of tradition and experiment. The wisdom of philosophy and the aesthetic sense of literature are intertwined, and the interest of tradition and the novelty of experiment complement each other, so that his works are loved by readers and critics. French existentialism was popular in literary and philosophical circles during Fowles's study at Oxford University. He has a special interest in Sartre existentialism, especially the idea of freedom. Like Sartre, Fowles regards the concept of freedom as the supreme principle of creation, writing about personal freedom and literary freedom in a free way. When experimentalism rose in Europe, British writers either returned to tradition or lingered at the crossroads. Experimental works only pay attention to form and skills, ignore the readability of works and flow in obscurity. Traditional works are rigid because of the exhaustion of formal skills. Fowles is unique and skillfully combines the traditional narrative and experimental techniques to bring readers a new reading experience and inject fresh blood into the English literary world. The French Lieutenant's woman is Fowles's Manifesto of Freedom, which describes the individual's pursuit of freedom and the writer's and reader's desire for freedom, and the awareness of freedom of expression and communication. It is helpful to understand the author's view of freedom, the philosophical and literary trend of thought of existentialism, and the background of the prevailing times, including the plight of the masses at that time, and the psychological predicament of the people at that time. More importantly, encourage more people to break free from the shackles of reality, brave pursuit of the dawn of freedom. This paper is divided into six parts. The first part is an introduction, introducing Fowles' literary achievements, especially the unparalleled charm of the novel, and Fowles' view of freedom. The first chapter is the theoretical basis and literature review, briefly introduces the existentialist freedom and scholars' research on the existential freedom in the novel. The second chapter analyzes the free expression on the philosophical level. The alienation of the relationship between man and nature hinders the freedom of man, but the hero and heroine dare to break free and choose one by one and go to freedom step by step. The third chapter analyzes the free expression on the literary level. When writers and readers are anxious because they are not free, Fowles boldly innovates and frees the reader while writing freely. Chapter four explores the origin of Fowles' view of freedom, that is, his love of nature and philosophy. The last part summarizes the author's double expression of freedom and its source.
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