发布时间:2018-11-13 18:07
【摘要】:俄裔美国作家弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫在美国文学史上享有盛誉。他的代表作《洛丽塔》虽历经坎坷,但一经出版便声名大噪同时奠定了纳博科夫在文学界的重要地位。 《洛丽塔》借主人公亨伯特之口讲述了一位中年男子与其12岁的继女之间的畸形爱恋,引起国内外学者的广泛关注。然而,学者们对该作品的评论主要集中在作品的伦理道德,叙事策略,后现代主义特征以及人物悲惨命运等方面,很少有人深入剖析主人公悲剧命运后的真实原因。因此,本文试图使用拉康主体理论中的三界说,即想象界、象征界与真实界分析主人公亨伯特的悲剧根源。 本文共分六章。 第一章引言部分旨在使读者对作者纳博科夫及作品《洛丽塔》有所了解,,并介绍了国内外学者对该部作品的研究现状以提出本文的研究意义。 第二章理论框架主要介绍了著名精神分析学家雅克·拉康以及他的三界说。 第三章运用拉康想象界学说探讨亨伯特的悲剧,解析亨伯特现实世界的创伤是其在想象界对自己和他人的误读造成的。 第四章运用拉康理论象征界引入法的概念,借“父亲之名”使亨伯特不断感到威胁,进而不停的反抗以接近心目中的美好天堂。 第五章以拉康理论真实界为基础,深入剖析亨伯特的悲剧根源。现实中的亨伯特渴望童年的幸福生活,将希望寄托在洛丽塔身上,然而洛丽塔是他在想象界的误读,也就注定他在象征界的种种反抗都是徒劳的。因此,亨伯特在现实界的创伤是必然的。 第六章结论部分,总结全文,指出本文的研究意义以及局限性。
[Abstract]:Russian-born American writer Vladimir Nabokov enjoys a high reputation in the history of American literature. Although his masterpiece Lolita has experienced ups and downs, it became famous and established Nabokov's important position in the literary world. Lolita talks about the deformed love between a middle-aged man and his 12-year-old stepdaughter by the protagonist Humbert, which has attracted the attention of scholars both at home and abroad. However, scholars' comments mainly focus on ethics, narrative strategy, post-modernism characteristics and tragic fate of the characters, and few people deeply analyze the real reasons for the tragic fate of the protagonist. Therefore, this paper tries to use the three definitions of Lacan's subjective theory, that is, imagination, symbolism and reality, to analyze the tragic roots of the protagonist Humbert. This paper is divided into six chapters. The first chapter introduces the author Nabokov and his works Lolita, and introduces the current research situation of this work by domestic and foreign scholars to put forward the significance of this paper. The second chapter mainly introduces the famous psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan and his three definitions. The third chapter explores Humbert's tragedy by using Lacan's theory of imagination, and analyzes that Humbert's trauma in the real world is caused by his misreading of himself and others in the imagination world. In the fourth chapter, the concept of law is introduced by the symbolic circle of Lacan theory, which makes Humbert feel a constant threat in the name of his father, and then resists constantly to get close to the beautiful paradise in his mind. Chapter five, based on the reality of Lacan's theory, deeply analyzes Humbert's tragic roots. In reality, Humbert longs for a happy life in childhood, and his hope rests on Lolita. However, Lolita is his misreading in the imagination and doomed his resistance in the symbolic world to be futile. Therefore, Humbert's trauma in the real world is inevitable. Chapter six concludes the whole paper and points out the significance and limitation of this paper.
[Abstract]:Russian-born American writer Vladimir Nabokov enjoys a high reputation in the history of American literature. Although his masterpiece Lolita has experienced ups and downs, it became famous and established Nabokov's important position in the literary world. Lolita talks about the deformed love between a middle-aged man and his 12-year-old stepdaughter by the protagonist Humbert, which has attracted the attention of scholars both at home and abroad. However, scholars' comments mainly focus on ethics, narrative strategy, post-modernism characteristics and tragic fate of the characters, and few people deeply analyze the real reasons for the tragic fate of the protagonist. Therefore, this paper tries to use the three definitions of Lacan's subjective theory, that is, imagination, symbolism and reality, to analyze the tragic roots of the protagonist Humbert. This paper is divided into six chapters. The first chapter introduces the author Nabokov and his works Lolita, and introduces the current research situation of this work by domestic and foreign scholars to put forward the significance of this paper. The second chapter mainly introduces the famous psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan and his three definitions. The third chapter explores Humbert's tragedy by using Lacan's theory of imagination, and analyzes that Humbert's trauma in the real world is caused by his misreading of himself and others in the imagination world. In the fourth chapter, the concept of law is introduced by the symbolic circle of Lacan theory, which makes Humbert feel a constant threat in the name of his father, and then resists constantly to get close to the beautiful paradise in his mind. Chapter five, based on the reality of Lacan's theory, deeply analyzes Humbert's tragic roots. In reality, Humbert longs for a happy life in childhood, and his hope rests on Lolita. However, Lolita is his misreading in the imagination and doomed his resistance in the symbolic world to be futile. Therefore, Humbert's trauma in the real world is inevitable. Chapter six concludes the whole paper and points out the significance and limitation of this paper.
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1 王娟;;Multiple-perspective Analysis on the Writing Style of Lolita[J];海外英语;2010年12期
2 蔡莉莉;;《洛丽塔》:迷失在欲望与时间中的永恒悲剧[J];外国文学研究;2006年02期
3 张介明;;当代西方文学中的唯美主义——从《洛丽塔》的误读谈起[J];外国文学研究;2010年04期
4 耿海英;谈《洛丽塔》叙事中的狂欢性[J];郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版);2001年05期