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发布时间:2019-04-01 21:02
【摘要】:要真正理解作家井上靖的孤独感,就不能不提到他孤独的人生经历。 井上靖于明治四十年(一九零七年)五月六日出生在北海道的旭川。由于军医父亲就职地的变动,井上靖从五岁开始就一个人离开家人,回到母亲的故乡伊豆汤岛,与户籍上母亲的养母但却没有任何血缘关系的曾祖父的情人一起生活一直到十三岁。祖母通过溺爱井上靖来确保自己那不安定的地位,幼小的井上靖也体会到了祖母这种带有交易色彩的爱,再加上对父母的思念,使幼年的井上靖较早地感受到了孤独的滋味。 祖母去世之后,井上一度回到父母身边,就读于滨松第一中学,第二年,父亲被调任台北,井上被托付到三岛的亲戚家,这期间就读于沼津中学。再加上初中毕业之后在四高的浪人生活的一年,这种在父母身边的生活只持续了两年就结束了。性格形成的中学阶段,父母都不在身边,孤独感与日俱增。井上之后进入九州大学法文学系,两年后转入京都大学哲学系,攻读美学。井上在回忆他在京都渡过的五年大学生活时说道:“在我的一生中,京都大学的生活是最灰暗的,那是一个没有任何希望可言的时代。”在渡过了这种灰暗的大学生活之后,井上进入每日新闻报社开始了自己的记者生涯。但是井上一点也不喜欢这种生活。用他自己的话说,“新闻记者这种工作,分两种人,一种是有竞争心的人,另一种是完全放弃竞争的人,我从进报社第一天开始,就选择了第二种,过着怠惰的生活。”新闻记者的生活持续了十五年,这十五年中,井上的孤独感丝毫未减。 综上所述,井上从幼年时代一直到四十多岁,一直生活在孤独之中。神西清曾说过,“井上靖身上带有浓厚的孤独感。” 文学评论家童庆炳说过,“童年时期的经历,特别是那些印象深刻的经验往往给艺术家的一生涂上一种特殊的基调和底色,并在相当程度上决定着艺术家对于创作题裁的选择和作品情感或情绪的基调。”井上靖也不例外。对一个艺术家而言,,童年时期的经历是如此之重要。本论文将重点研究井上靖的这一段童年经历。 本文将选取反映井上靖特殊的幼年生活的自传体小说《绵虫》,主要通过运用文艺心理学分析法,文本分析法以及井上靖自身的回想类随笔来分析研究井上靖是渡过了怎样一个特殊的幼少年时期才让他感受到了孤独,最后分析得出井上靖孤独的原点就在于他那段特殊的幼年生活。 本文分三章进行讨论分析。 第一章将简单说明一下本研究的研究目的和研究方法,接下来陈述与本研究有关的中日先行研究。 第二章是本文的重要部分,由三小节构成。通过运用文本分析法,从孤独感的萌芽  与孤独的祖母的共同生活,孤独感的发展  对父母的思念,孤独感的形成  姨妈和祖母之死这三方面来分析洪作孤独感的形成。 第三章分为三小节。本章内容将结合井上靖本人所写回想类随笔以及文艺心理学理论来进行分析。第一节为井上靖发现祖母对自己自私的爱后,与祖母结成同盟关系,并形成对感情不信任的人生观。第二节井上靖由于自小与父母分离,没有体验过父母亲情,于是自己在自己与父母之间建了一堵墙,与父母之间产生了隔阂。第三节将讲到,井上靖第一次经历对他而言最重要的两个人  姨妈和祖母之死,感受到从她们的死亡中所带来的寂寥感,孤独最终形成。 最后为结论部分,井上靖渡过了一段特殊的幼少年时代,这段经历让他较早地感受到了孤独,也就是说井上靖孤独的原点在于他那段特殊的幼少年经历。
[Abstract]:To truly understand the sense of the writer's well-being, he can't have to mention his lonely life experience. Jing was born in Hokkaido on May 6 in the last forty years (a nine-year-old). As a result of the change in the office of the military medical father, the well-known father, from the age of five, left his family and returned to the mother's home of Ibeanu, and lived with her mother's mother's mother, but without any blood-related great-grandfather's lover, all the time. The grandmother, by drowning in the well of the well, to make sure of his precarious position, the young well Jing also realized the grandmother's love with the trade color, and the thoughts of the parents, so that the young well Jing had felt the lonely AIDS earlier. After the death of the grandmother, the well was once back to her parents, and was in the first middle school of Binson. The second year, the father was transferred to Taipei, and the well was entrusted to the family and the family of the three islands. The one-year life of a four-year-old surfer after a junior high school, which lasted only two years. It's over. In the middle school stage of character formation, parents are not with them. After being on the well, it entered the Literature Department of the University of Kyushu University, and then transferred to the philosophy department and the attack of the University of Capital in two years. Reading the aesthetics. On the well, he said at the five-year college life he spent in Kyoto, the "In my life, the life of the University of Beijing is the most gray, it's a time without any hope.", after passing through such a dark college life, went to a daily news newspaper to start its own He's a career. But I don't like it at all. In his own words, the work of the press, the work of the journalist, the two of them, one is the one with the heart, the other is the person who completely renounces the competition, I have chosen the second and the idle life from the first day of the newspaper. "The life of the journalist has lasted for fifteen years, and in this 15 years, the sense of the life on the well To sum up, well, from the young age to the mid-40s, the well-being 鍦ㄥ鐙箣涓




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