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发布时间:2019-04-13 15:40
【摘要】:后殖民主义理论是世纪之交最受关注、发展最快的文学和文化理论之一。它自十九世纪七十年代兴起以来,就对文学批评和文学历史研究,特别是欧美文学经典作品研究产生了革命性的影响。爱德华·萨义德、佳亚特里·斯皮瓦克和霍米·巴巴是后殖民主义理论研究的代表性人物。他们三人虽然理论不尽相同,但基本宗旨颇为一致,都意在消解帝国主义的殖民主义传统经典神,消解欧美中心论和二元对立,揭穿西方现代性的进步性和普世性面具,重建底层民众和“少数族”的主体性并帮助他们发出自己的声音。 维·苏·奈保尔是一位出生于特立尼达和多巴哥的印裔英国作家。他从小受到父亲很好的文学熏陶,决定将来成为一位作家。后来他得到奖学金去牛津大学学习,毕业后就留在了英国。《灵异推拿师》是他的第一部长篇小说。这部小说具有浓厚的地方特色的艺术风格,再现了特立尼达印度移民的家族史、族群史和社会历史,重建了加勒比海人民的生活与历史,颠覆了欧洲殖民者的历史文本。它和奈保尔早前创作的短篇故事集《米格尔大街》为奈保尔早年的文学创作奠定了一个基调:“土地,原住民,新世界,殖民地,历史,印度,穆斯林世界。”(奈保尔,2001) 论文分为以下四个部分。第一部分:介绍了奈保尔的创作成就、本文拟重点研究的长篇小说《灵异推拿师》的主要内容和艺术特色,以及后殖民主义理论的主要内容和三位主要的后殖民主义理论家的成就;第二部分:新殖民主义对前殖民地的影响,即前宗主国英国与特立尼达的关系,和特立尼达印度后裔,主要是小说主人公甘涅沙在多重矛盾困境下的挣扎,包括经济困境,心理困境,种族和文化困境;第三部分:后殖民地人民身份认同的途径:通过杂体和文化资本的积累建立起第三空间,进而在这个空间内构建起不确定的身份:第四部分:总结了论文的主要内容,指出奈保尔的作品涉及了流亡、文化冲突、含混、模拟、混杂、身份认同、前殖民地与宗主国的关系、新殖民主义对前殖民地的影响等各个方面的问题,他关注的是第三世界殖民地和后殖民地社会人民的生存状况,揭露了新近独立国家的诸多黑暗面,所以他的作品具有重要的现实意义。深入研究奈保尔的作品和后殖民语境下移民作家文化身份的归属问题,有助于当代英语文学特别是后殖民时代英语文学的研究。
[Abstract]:Post-colonialism theory is one of the most concerned and fastest-growing literary and cultural theories at the turn of the century. Since its rise in the 1970s, it has had a revolutionary influence on literary criticism and the study of literary history, especially the study of classical works in European and American literature. Edward Saeed, Gayatri Spivak and homie Baba are representative figures in the study of post-colonial theory. Although the three of them have different theories, their basic purposes are quite the same. They all aim at dispelling the classic gods of imperialist colonialism, dispelling the European-American centralism and dualistic opposition, and revealing the progressive and universal mask of Western modernity. Rebuild the subjectivity of the people and minorities at the bottom and help them speak their voices. Visuna Naipaul is an Indian-born British writer born in Trinidad and Tobago. He was nurtured by his father's good literature and decided to become a writer in the future. He was later awarded a scholarship to study at Oxford University and stayed in England after graduation. The novel has a strong local artistic style, reproduces the family history, ethnic history and social history of the Indian immigrants in Trinidad and India, reconstructs the life and history of the Caribbean people, and subverts the historical texts of European colonists. It and Naipaul's earlier collection of short stories, Miguel Street, set the tone for Naipaul's early literary creation: "Land, Aboriginals, New World, colonies, History, India, Muslim World." (Naipaul, 2001) the thesis is divided into the following four parts. The first part introduces the creative achievements of Naipaul, the main contents and artistic features of the novel "the Ellene Massager", which this paper intends to focus on. And the main contents of post-colonialism theory and the achievements of three major post-colonialism theorists; The second part: the influence of neocolonialism on the former colonies, that is, the relationship between Britain and Trinidad, and the Indian descendants of Trinidad, mainly the struggle of Ganesha, the protagonist of the novel, under the multiple contradictions, including the economic predicament. Psychological dilemmas, racial and cultural dilemmas; The third part: the way of the identity of the post-colonial people: to establish the third space through the accumulation of miscellaneous body and cultural capital, and then to construct the uncertain identity in this space: the fourth part: summarizes the main contents of the thesis. Pointing out that Naipaul's works involve exoduses, cultural conflicts, ambiguities, simulations, confounding, identity, relations between former colonies and patriarchal states, and the impact of neocolonialism on former colonies, He is concerned about the living conditions of the people in the third World colonies and post-colonial societies, and reveals the dark side of the newly independent countries, so his works are of great practical significance. An in-depth study of Naipaul's works and the attribution of the cultural identity of immigrant writers in the post-colonial context is helpful to the study of contemporary English literature, especially post-colonial English literature.


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