Close Reading and the Materiality of the Text:A Review of An
发布时间:2020-12-07 11:04
<正>Tom Cohen’s Anti-Mimesis:From Plato to Hitchcock poses the question of a materiality of the text in the Western tradition that is antagonistic to the traditions of mimetic interpretation that emerge to control their transmission,iconization,or cultural usages—this antagonism goes to the core problems of tele-materialities and the mutation of reading in the
【文章来源】:中国比较文学. 2018年04期 第210-213页 北大核心CSSCI
【文章页数】:4 页
【文章来源】:中国比较文学. 2018年04期 第210-213页 北大核心CSSCI
【文章页数】:4 页