发布时间:2020-12-12 14:29
作为战后美国最优秀的作家之一,索尔·贝娄荣获了许多荣誉,其中包括最有影响力的诺贝尔文学奖。贝娄擅长描写现代知识分子的生活和心态,探索现代人的精神危机和出路,多层次、富有质感地刻画人物的心理活动,对美国表面物质繁荣之下的精神危机进行了深入和独到的观察。他不仅拥有深厚的犹太文化传统、极其渊博的知识,更通过对美国社会的观察和分析,形成了既富于同情,又兼有喜剧性的嘲讽和严肃的思考相结合的独特的“贝娄式风格”。现代人进退维谷的生存困境在贝娄作品中得到了真实的体现。在1959年出版的《雨王汉德森》一书中,贝娄对于现代社会的异化现象和现代人的精神危机更是进行了深刻的洞察。 《雨王汉德森》讲述的是现代人追寻精神家园的故事。主人公汉德森为了寻找精神危机的出路而深入非洲腹地,经过一系列的历险最终完成了精神转变。现代人对于死亡和生存危机的焦虑,通过汉德森内心所受到的折磨和他的非洲之行清晰地表现出来。贝娄独特的人物刻画以及对于神话原型中的追寻主题的运用为小说带来了成功。而主人公内心那个“我要,我要”的声音更是给读者留下了深刻的印象。贝娄选择了连他自己都没有到过的非洲作为汉德森的目的地,给他的创造力和想象...
【文章来源】:四川大学四川省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:81 页
Chapter One Quest-myth as an Archetype in Henderson the Rain King
1.1 About the Author, His Works and the Brief Critical History of His Works
1.2 A General Introduction to the Novel
1.3 The Quest-myth Archetype in Henderson the Rain King
1.3.1 Bellow's Use of the Quest-theme
1.3.2 Henderson: an Archetypal Hero Analogous to the Greek Mythology
1.3.3 Henderson: as an Archetype of the Modern Man
Chapter Two Quest for Individual Existential Value: Henderson's Journey to Africa
2.1 The American Section: the Reason to Go to Africa
2.1.1 The Urge of the Inner Voice
2.1.2 Alienation in Henderson's Relations with Others
2.2 Henderson's Trip to Africa
2.2.1 The Archetypal Meaning of Africa in This Work
2.2.2 Henderson's Trip to Arnewi—a Failure
2.2.3 The Trip to Wariri—a Transition to the Reality
2.3 The Ending of the Story—Return to Civilization
Chapter Three Return of the Hero: the Completion of the Quest-myth
3.1 Elements that Promote the Protagonist's Quest
3.1.1 Death—the Activator in Henderson's Transformation
3.1.2 Animals—the Promoter in the Change of the Protagonist
3.2 The Settlement of the Existential Problem in the Novel
3.3 The Completion of the Quest-myth
【文章来源】:四川大学四川省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:81 页
Chapter One Quest-myth as an Archetype in Henderson the Rain King
1.1 About the Author, His Works and the Brief Critical History of His Works
1.2 A General Introduction to the Novel
1.3 The Quest-myth Archetype in Henderson the Rain King
1.3.1 Bellow's Use of the Quest-theme
1.3.2 Henderson: an Archetypal Hero Analogous to the Greek Mythology
1.3.3 Henderson: as an Archetype of the Modern Man
Chapter Two Quest for Individual Existential Value: Henderson's Journey to Africa
2.1 The American Section: the Reason to Go to Africa
2.1.1 The Urge of the Inner Voice
2.1.2 Alienation in Henderson's Relations with Others
2.2 Henderson's Trip to Africa
2.2.1 The Archetypal Meaning of Africa in This Work
2.2.2 Henderson's Trip to Arnewi—a Failure
2.2.3 The Trip to Wariri—a Transition to the Reality
2.3 The Ending of the Story—Return to Civilization
Chapter Three Return of the Hero: the Completion of the Quest-myth
3.1 Elements that Promote the Protagonist's Quest
3.1.1 Death—the Activator in Henderson's Transformation
3.1.2 Animals—the Promoter in the Change of the Protagonist
3.2 The Settlement of the Existential Problem in the Novel
3.3 The Completion of the Quest-myth